Ord. No. Date Description
Unno. 5-3-08 Accepting Christian Ave.
Unno. 5-3-08 Accepting Moore St.
Unno. 5-3-08 Accepting Hager St.
Unno. 9-18-11 Approving the plat of Milles Moyer for recording purposes.
Unno. 5-3-15 Accepting and approving plat of John J. Boyle and Andrew J. Mayers, known as Elmwood Heights plat.
Unno. 6-7-15 Approving plat of P.J. Flannery and Frank J. Davis, Subdivision of Great Lot 45.
Unno. 11-15-15 Approving plat known as Madeline's Addition.
Unno. 8-?-16 Plat of Jewell Heights Allotment.
Unno. 9-?-16 Plat of J.M. Davis Addition.
Unno. 3-4-18 Plat of H.H. Clingan and Ella Clingan.
Unno. 8-5-18 Plat of Harris Addition.
Unno. 8-19-18 Plat of Antine. Replat of portion of Loveless Plat.
Unno. 11-4-18 Plat of J.M. Davis Second Addition.
Unno. 6-2-19 Plat of part of Great Lot 56.
Unno. 5-3-20 Plat of Jewell Heights Third Allotment.
Unno. 5-16-21 Plat of J.M. Davis Fourth Addition.
Unno. 7-6-22 Plat of L.C. Van Ness.
Unno. 3-22-23 Plat of Burnett Grove Allotment.
Unno. 5-21-23 Plat of Woodland Heights Third Addition.
Unno. 7-16-23 Plat of Shady Side Allotment.
Unno. 10-5-25 Plat of The Homesteads.
Unno. 2-15-26 Plat of William Weitz.
Unno. 4-5-26 Plat of Patriarcho Allotment.
Unno. 9-?-26 Plat of certain lands abutting Fox St.
Unno. 5-16-27 Plat of William Wolf.
1931-13-0 4-20-31 Plat of J.H. Taylor, being part of Great Lot 58.
375 2-20-39 Determining that certain streets in the Village are duly accepted streets and dedicated to public use.
422 11-20-39 Plat of Center St.
543 7-7-41 Dedication of parts of Outlots 160 and 156 for street purposes.
1503 5-3-54 Acceptance of Bella Vista St.
1583 5-2-55 Dedication of parts of Oak Knoll and Bella Vista Drs.
1584 5-2-55 Dedication of parts of Center St., Grace Ave. and W. Park Ave.
1614 10-3-55 Accepting part of Jones St. and dedicating same to public use.
1705 1-21-57 Accepting Bella Vista Dr., east of Oak Knoll Dr., and Glenwood Dr.
1706 1-21-57 Accepting Myron St.
2047 11-18-59 Accepting Parkview, Tulip and Helen Aves.
35 7-16-62 Accepting Parish Ave. from Westview Ave. to the southerly boundary of Hubbard City Lots 2223 and 2224.
Res. 20-68 9-30-68 Dedicating portion of Regina Dr.
19-69 3-26-69 Approving the Giblin Robinson Plat.
33-69 7-21-69 Replattng Hubbard City Lots 1878, 1879 and 1880.
22-71 7-19-71 Accepting a 550-ft. parcel of Saul Dr.
27-71 9-7-71 Grandview Allotment Plat No. 2.
40-72 7-24-72 Accepting dedication of all streets and easements in Meadow Lands Plat No. 1.
19-73 4-2-73 Dedication of streets, easements and right of ways of Meadow Lands Plats Nos. 3 and 4.
29-73 5-29-73 Accepting Golfview Hts. Plats 1, 2 and 3 for dedication of streets and easements.
25-74 5-1-74 Accepting Meadowlands II preliminary plat.
44-74 9-16-74 Accepting Meadowlands II, Plats I and II.
Res. 11-76 2-17-76 Accepting for recording Meadowlands II, Plat 1a.
1-78 1-3-78 Accepting improvements in Meadowlands II, Plat 1b.
2-78 1-3-78 Accepting improvements in Plat No. 1, S.S. & K., Inc., off Elmwood Dr.
Res. 9-78 3-6-78 Dedicating a parcel of land on S. Main St.
38-78 10-16-78 Accepting streets and utilities in Grandview Plan of Lots, Sec. C.
Res. 21-78 10-16-78 Approving Grandview Plan of Lots, Sec. C.
Res. 23-78 11-20-78 Accepting Myron St. improvements.
32-79 11-5-79 Dedication of Shernisky, Susi and Kerola Plan of Lots, Plat 2 for recording purposes only.
29-85 6-17-85 Accepting Robinwood Plat No. 1.
44-88 7-18-88 Accepting Robinwood Plat No. 2.
11-89 3-6-89 Accepting the dedication of Shernisky, Susi and Kerola Plan of Lots, Plat 3.
39-89 7-17-89 Accepting the dedication of Prolick-Gorby Plan of Lot No. 1 and 2, Plat No. 1 and declaring an emergency.
15-90 4-16-90 Accepts the dedication of Thomas Black Plat No. 1.
32-91 7-1-91 Accepts the dedication of E. Susi and J. Kerola Plan of Lots, Plat 4.
36-91 6-6-91 Accepts the dedication of Stiver-Oak Knoll Additions No. 3 and No. 4 Plan of Lots.
83-94 9-19-94 Accepts the dedication of E. Susi and J. Kerola Plan of Lots, Plat 5.
5-96 2-5-96 Accepting the preliminary plat for Woodland Ridge.
18-97 2-18-97 Accepting the dedication of Woodland Ridge Development from
3-D Development Corp.
04-04 3-1-04 Accepting the dedication of the Timber Point Development from Mark IV Builders.