Ord. No.   Date   Description
Unno.   11-5-15   A 40-ft. wide street extending from Park Ave. to Water St.
Unno.   4-18-21   A 50-ft. street leading south from Hubbard and Coalburg Rd.
Unno.    12-21-25   Part of Grove Ave.
Unno.   4-7-30   An unnamed street, 50 ft. wide, from the south line of E. Water St. to the north line of Walnut St.
1066   6-6-49   Part of Mackey St.
1067   6-6-49   Part of Woodlawn Ave.
1158   6-5-50   Part of Woodlawn Ave.
1368   11-17-52   Part of Woodlawn Ave.
1433   9-8-53   Part of Parkview Ave.
1962   1-19-59   Grove St.
2086   5-2-60   Right of way off Orchard Ave.
61   11-19-62   Public court off Woodland Ave.
20-66   8-3-66   Part of Grandview Ave.
46-73   12-17-73   Part of Ravine Dr.
24-76   7-6-76   A 12-ft. easement running from Hillview to Saul Drs.
37-86   10-20-86   Loveless St.
31-06   6-19-06   Vacating 418 feet of unimproved dedicated roadway area of Gardner Street.
Res.6-08   7-29-08   Certain residential City lots located in the Harding Park Allotment.
22-08   9-2-08   Lots located on the Harding Park Allotment.
18-12   10-15-12   418 feet of unimproved dedicated roadway area of Gardner St.
22-15      10-19-15   Vacate road right-of-ways for portions of Hughes Road, McKinley Road, Pershing Drive and all of Willis Drive located in the Harding Park Allotment in the City.