(A)   Location. The fireplace shall not be located closer than ten feet from any structures, property lines, utility poles, fences, trees, bushes or overhanging branches.
   (B)   Fireplace site.
      (1)   The fireplace site shall consist of an area with a minimum radius of eight feet.
      (2)   The fireplace pad will consist of a cleared area with a minimum radius of six feet cleared to bare mineral soil and/or covered with gravel located in the center of the fireplace site. A concrete pad of the same dimensions may be used in lieu of bare mineral soil or gravel.
      (3)   The remaining two feet of the eight-foot circular fireplace site may contain vegetation provided it is not greater than three inches in height.
   (C)   Fireplace construction.
      (1)   The fireplace must consist of at least three sides of not less than ten inches in height but not more than 36 inches in height.
      (2)   The fireplace must be constructed of non-combustible materials which are mortared or fastened together with a maximum fuel diameter of three feet, constructed to include a screen, chimney or other device placed above the fuel area so that the heat source is contained in such a manner that sparks or embers are not allowed to freely escape into the open atmosphere. Fireplaces using propane as the sole fuel source do not require a device to contain sparks or embers.
      (3)   Commercial free-standing portable fireplaces may be used in lieu of a site-built fireplace provided a screen or expanded metal spark arrester with openings not greater than one-half inch is used and all other criteria above are met. Fireplaces using propane as the sole fuel source do not require a device to contain sparks or embers.
(Prior Code, § 9-05) Penalty, see § 10.99