92.01 Definitions
92.02 Enforcement of chapter
92.03 Violation
92.04 Littering prohibited
92.05 Discharging weapons prohibited
92.06 Throwing objects prohibited
92.07 Improper use of sound producing devices
92.08 Improper personal conduct
92.09 Fires restricted
92.10 Damaging or removal of any park property, vegetation or natural features prohibited
92.11 Buildings, erection of signs, advertising and fences prohibited
92.12 Possession, use or consumption of alcoholic beverages/glass containers
92.13 Vehicles restricted
92.14 Parking limited to park and recreation area users
92.15 Commercial activity restricted
92.16 Hours open to public restricted
92.17 Animals restricted
92.18 Pyrotechnics restricted
92.19 (Reserved)
92.20 Park and recreation area restrictions
92.21 Camping
92.22 Smoking and tobacco use in prohibited areas
92.23 Hunting and trapping prohibited
92.24 Permits
Alcoholic beverages, see Chapter 111
Animals and Fowl, see Chapter 90
Bicycles, see Chapter 71