A. All off-street parking areas required by this chapter shall be provided on the zoning lot to whose use they are accessory, except as provided in this title.
B. Accessory off-street parking may be provided in a location other than on the zoning lot where the principal use is located, only if so authorized by the board of zoning appeals. Such parking areas may be located only in the same district in which the principal use is located, or in another district in which the principal use is permitted. They shall be within three hundred feet of the principal use, measured from the nearest point of the lot containing the parking facility to the nearest point of the lot occupied by the building or use which such parking is required to serve. If the principal use is or becomes a nonconforming use, no expansion of off-street parking facilities not located on the site of the principal use shall be allowed.
C. Except as otherwise provided, off-street parking spaces may be located in any yard other than a required front yard or a required side yard. The following are exceptions:
1. A lot used for a single-family or duplex residence may have parking for vehicles licensed as passenger cars as an accessory use in a required front yard, provided, that the area devoted to parking and access thereto shall not exceed forty-five percent of the total area of the required front yard, or eight hundred fifty square feet, whichever is smaller, and the driveway shall not exceed twenty-four feet in width, measured at the front property line.
2. In any business or industrial district, B-1, I-1, I-2, I-3, parking spaces and access aisles may be situated in any portion of the front yard other than a required front yard.
D. Parking of vehicles licensed as trucks over one-ton capacity shall not be permitted on any public street right-of-way or in any required front yard in any R residential district; provided, that this provision shall not apply to parking such vehicles for a period of less than four consecutive hours.
(Ord. 81-11 Art. XV § 2, 1980).