16.32.010 Engineering plans and specifications.
   A.   The procedure for submitting the engineering plans and specifications is stated herein. The city engineer will not recommend approval of the plans and specifications to the city council until all of the information submitted is in accordance with the standards and procedures herein stated.
   B.   All engineering plans and specifications for any subdivision shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer and before the completed improvements are approved or accepted by the city such engineer shall furnish the city a completion certificate stating that such improvements comply with all the requirements of such plans and specifications. The form of the engineer's certificate is an attachment located at the end of this title. (Attachment No. 1.)
   C.   The engineer's certificate must be accompanied by the appropriate testing data as specified in these documents.
   D.   The engineering plans and specifications referred to in the preceding subsection shall, after certification by a registered professional engineer and after the approval of the city engineer, constitute part of the official plan of the city.
   E.   The registered professional engineer who will certify the construction of the improvements shall not have an ownership interest nor be a regular employee of the developer.
   F.   The engineer shall furnish the city engineer three sets of approved plans and specifications prior to starting any construction operations.
   G.   The plan sheets shall be twenty-four inches by thirty-six inches. The minimum graphic scale shall be one inch equals fifty feet. The plans shall include the following items:
      1.   Cover sheet project location and professional engineer's seal and signature; also see Section 16.24.040, Required attachments, and Section 16.24.070, Engineering improvement plans and specifications certificate;
      2.   Existing topography;
      3.   Existing and proposed contours (interval not greater than two feet);
      4.   Street pavement and storm sewer plan;
      5.   Street profile, storm sewer profile, and drainage swales;
      6.   Sanitary sewer plan and profile;
      7.   Water distribution plan, including valves, fire hydrants and fittings;
      8.   Details;
      9.   Electrical, street lighting and gas distribution plan;
      10.   Telephone distribution plan;
      11.   Cable TV distribution plan.
(Ord. 81-10 § 7.1 (A), 1980).