16.24.070 Engineering improvement plans and specifications certificate.
   The following certificate shall appear on the cover sheet of the engineering improvement plans.
   The Plans and Specifications for           have received a reccomendation for (approval) (disapproval) by the City Engineer.
   City Engineer         Date
   Attest            Date
   The Plans and Specifications for           have received approval by the Mayor and City Council.
   Mayor            Date
   City Clerk         Date
   After approval of the final plat, plans and specifications by the city council, the final plat shall be recorded by the plat officer when the subdivider submits a written request to the plat officer that the plat be recorded and the correct recording fee is attached with the request. The plat officer shall record the plat within ten days of the request.
(Ord. 81-10 § 5.7, 1980).