Chapter 12.36
   12.36.010   Acquisition and dedication of public grounds.
   12.36.020   Posting signs on trees, fences or structures prohibited.
   12.36.030   Placing stones, rubbish or garbage prohibited.
   12.36.040   Animals in parks.
   12.36.050   Lighting fires prohibited.
   12.36.060   Injuring or destroying trees, fences or buildings is unlawful.
   12.36.070   License required to conduct exhibition or show.
   12.36.080   License required for sales.
   12.36.090   McFerren Park-Hours of operation.
   12.36.100   McFerren Park-Trespassing after hours prohibited.
   12.36.110   McFerren Park – Fishing.
   12.36.120   Penalty for violation.