It is the intent and purpose of this subchapter to protect the water resources of the city from the harmful effects of over-utilization during periods of water shortage and allocate available water supplies by assisting the South Florida Water Management District in the implementation of its water shortage plan.
('72 Code, § 36-63.1(a)) (Ord. O-73-2, passed 1-3-73; Am. Ord. O-85-19, passed 4-3-85)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
DISTRICT. The South Florida Water Management District.
ESTABLISHED. Any lawn and landscaping which does not meet the definition of new as defined in this section.
IRRIGATION. The outside watering of shrubbery, trees, lawns, grass, ground covers, vines, gardens and other such flora, not intended for resale, which are planted and are situated in such diverse locations as residential and recreation areas, cemeteries, public, commercial and industrial establishments and public medians and rights-of-way.
IRRIGATION SYSTEM. A permanent artificial watering system designed to transport and distribute water to plants.
IRRIGATION SYSTEM ZONE. A division, area or region distinguished from adjacent parts by distinctive features in an irrigation system.
LANDSCAPING. Any combination of living plants (such as grass, ground cover, shrubs, vines or trees) and nonliving material (such as rocks, pebbles, paving materials or fences).
LAWN(S). A usually closely mown plot or area planted with grass or similar plants surrounding a residence, commercial, public, industrial or institutional property.
LOW VOLUME IRRIGATION. The use of equipment and devices specifically designed to allow the volume of water delivered to be limited to a level consistent with the water requirement of the plants being irrigated and designed to allow that water to be placed with a high degree of efficiency within the root zone of the plant; and the low volume irrigation of plants with one hose fitted with a self-canceling or automatic shutoff nozzle, attended by one person.
NEW. Any lawn or landscaping which has been in existence in the same location for less than 30 days.
PERSON. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
RECLAIMED WASTEWATER. Wastewater that has received at least secondary treatment and is reused after flowing out of a wastewater treatment facility.
REPLACEMENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM. An irrigation system taking, filling the place, being or providing a substitute for an established irrigation system.
SHALL. Always mandatory and not merely directory.
WASTEWATER. The combination of liquid and water-carried pollutants from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions together with any groundwater, surface runoff or leachate that may be present.
WATER RESOURCE. Any and all water on or beneath the surface of the ground, including natural or artificial water courses, lakes, ponds, or diffused surface water, and water percolating, standing or flowing beneath the surface of the ground.
WATER SHORTAGE CONDITION. When sufficient water is not available to meet present or anticipated needs of persons using the water resource, or when conditions are such as to require temporary reduction in total water usage within a particular area to protect the water resource from serious harm. A water shortage usually occurs due to drought.
WATER SHORTAGE EMERGENCY. That situation when the powers which can be exercised under Part II of Chapter 40E-21, Florida Administrative Code, are not sufficient to protect the public health, safety or welfare, or the health of animals, fish or aquatic life, or a public water supply, or commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational or other reasonable uses.
('72 Code, § 36-63.1(b)) (Ord. O-73-2, passed 1-3-73; Am. Ord. O-85-19, passed 4-3-85; Am. Ord. O-93-34, passed 7-21-93)
The provisions of this subchapter shall apply to all persons using the water resource within the geographical areas subject to the “water shortage” or “water shortage emergency”, as determined by the district, whether from public- or privately-owned water utility systems, private wells or private connections with surface water bodies. This subchapter shall not apply to persons using treated effluent or salt water.
('72 Code, § 36-63.1(c)) (Ord. O-73-2, passed 1-3-73; Am. Ord. O-85-19, passed 4-3-85)
The declaration of a water shortage or water shortage emergency within all or any part of the city by the governing Board or the Executive Director of the district shall invoke the provisions of this subchapter. Upon such declaration all water use restrictions or other measures adopted by the district applicable to the city, or any portion thereof, shall be subject to enforcement action pursuant to this subchapter. Any violation of the provisions of Chapter 40E-21, Florida Administrative Code, or any order issued pursuant thereto, shall be a violation of this subchapter.
('72 Code, § 36-63.1(e)) (Ord. O-73-2, passed 1-3-73; Am. Ord. O-85-19, passed 4-3-85) Penalty, see § 51.999
Every police officer or sheriff having jurisdiction in the area governed by this subchapter shall, in connection with all other duties imposed by law, diligently enforce the provisions of this subchapter. In addition, the City Manager may also delegate enforcement responsibility for this subchapter to agencies and departments of city government in accordance with state and local law.
('72 Code, § 36-63.1(f)) (Ord. O-73-2, passed 1-3-73; Am. Ord. O-85-19, passed 4-3-85)