   (A)   Where a master subdivision plan is required by the below provisions, the pre-preliminary plat review is mandatory.
   (B)   In other cases, this review is optional at the discretion of the proprietor.
      (1)   Proprietor’s responsibility.
         (a)   The proprietor shall provide sketch plans for lot and street arrangements. He or she shall also indicate his or her intentions as to water supply, sewage disposal, surface drainage, and other proposals as appropriate.
         (b)   A master plan shall be prepared and submitted by the proprietor whenever:
            1.   The tract proposed is only a portion of a larger land holding; or
            2.   The tract is part of a larger land area which would pose problems of complicated development due to unusual topographic conditions, land use, land owners, or other conditions; and/or
         3.   Such master subdivision plan shall be considered a pre-preliminary plat for the area then proposed for platting.
      (2)   Municipality’s responsibility. The Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required, through it appropriate officials and agents, shall inspect the site, noting the following:
         (a)   Major thoroughfares in the area;
         (b)   Utility systems available to service the platted area;
         (c)   Adjacent land uses;
         (d)   Unusual development problems;
         (e)   Topography;
         (f)   Drainage;
         (g)   Existing zoning;
         (h)   Adequacy of existing schools and public open space; or
         (i)   Availability and feasibility of providing municipal services.
      (3)   Deposit. At the time that a proprietor requests a pre-preliminary review, he or she shall deposit with the Clerk-Treasurer the fee as provided for below.
      (4)   Findings. The Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required, shall, within 90 days of filing, furnish its findings to the proprietor. Such findings shall not commit the municipality to any subsequent actions, but shall be construed as informational findings to facilitate subsequent states of subdivision design.
(1984 Code, § 6-02-03-020) (Ord. 11, passed 8-26-1969)
   (A)   The preliminary plat shall be designed and drawn in accordance with Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 through 560.293. At least 30 days prior to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required, the proprietor shall submit ten copies of a letter of intent and the preliminary plat which shall contain and clearly indicate the following information in sufficient detail to enable a determination of whether the subdivision meets or will meet, when finally approved, the requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   Dimensional information in this stage may be approximated and scaled.
      (1)   Key map showing integration of proposed subdivision with surrounding area;
      (2)   Owners of adjacent property;
      (3)   Adjacent development names;
      (4)   Tract boundary;
      (5)   Title of subdivision;
      (6)   North arrow and date of preparation;
      (7)   (a)   Site date; total acreage:
            1.   Gross;
            2.   Net (residential use only); and
            3.   Any other use, i.e., golf course, marina, and the like.
         (b)   Number of lots and outlots indicating type of use in each outlot; and
         (c)   Typical building sizes, placement, and arrangement. Setback lines must be shown on all corner lots, cul-de-sac lots, and other lots having unusual shape or configuration.
      (8)   Streets.
         (a)   Right-of-way widths;
         (b)   Pavement lines where necessary to illustrate design (e.g., intersections, cul-de-sacs, and the like);
         (c)   Names; and
         (d)   Identification of any streets or roads in or abutting the plat under jurisdiction of the County Road Commission.
      (9)   Lot lines and numbers;
      (10)   Easement lines, use of easement;
      (11)   Prominent natural and human-made features (identify any county drains in or serving the plat);
      (12)   Notation of reserved and dedicated parcels, specifying intended use and deed conveyances, if any;
      (13)   Proposed development drawn over a two-foot contour interval map;
      (14)   Letter of intent, containing proposed types and extent of improvements for: streets; curbs and gutters; sidewalks; water supply and distribution; sanitary sewers; storm sewers; street trees; common open spaces and recreational facilities; any other improvements pertinent to the purposes of this chapter;
      (15)   Draft outline of restrictive covenants and other proposals referred to in Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. § 560.258; and
      (16)   The preliminary plat shall be drawn to a scale of 100 feet to one inch.
         (a)   Fees. The proprietor shall deposit with the Clerk-Treasurer all fees as provided in § 153.06.
         (b)   Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required,  action. Upon completion of its review and within 45 days of submittal by the proprietor, the Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required, will:
            1.   Recommended complete denial by the governing body for specific reasons;
            2.   Recommended approval by the governing body of the preliminary plat as submitted; or
            3.   Recommended approval by the governing body after receipt of plans containing specified revisions.
         (c)   Governing body review. Upon notification by the Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required, the Clerk-Treasurer then places the review of the preliminary plat on the agenda of the governing body.
         (d)   Governing body action. Upon review of the Planning Commission’s and/or Zoning Commission’s, as required, recommendation, the governing body shall, within 90 days from date of submittal by proprietor, grant tentative approval or reject, for specific reasons, the preliminary plat.
         (e)   Approval period.
            1.   Tentative approval of a preliminary plat shall become void after the expiration of one year from the date of such approval, unless the proprietor shall have submitted a preliminary plat for final approval or unless the governing body, in its discretion, grants an extension to the said one-year period upon the written application of the proprietor.
            2.   Said tentative approval shall confer only the rights afforded to the proprietor under the provision of Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. § 560.112(4).
(1984 Code, § 6-02-03-030) (Ord. 11, passed 8-26-1969)
   (A)   After the proprietor has obtained the tentative approval of the governing body for the preliminary plat, the proprietor shall submit his or her preliminary plat to all authorities as required by Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.112 through 560.118.
   (B)   A proprietor desiring final approval of a preliminary plat shall submit the following items to the Clerk-Treasurer:
      (1)   A list of all authorities required by law to process and/or to approve the preliminary plat, citing the date and action by each such authority; said list shall be certified as correct by the proprietor before a notary public;
      (2)   Copies of the preliminary plat as approved by all authorities as required by Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.112 through 560.118;
      (3)   The payment of fees required to that stage, as provided for below; and
      (4)   The preliminary plat may be in blueprint form and shall display in approximate form the dimensional information required to be on the final plat.
   (C)   Within 20 days of the submission of the foregoing, the governing body shall grant final approval of the preliminary plat if the proprietor has met all conditions laid down for approval of said plat, or reject said plat and advise the proprietor of the reason(s) for said rejection. Approval is subject to the limitations of Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.120(a), and is for a two-year period so specified in that section of that Act.
(1984 Code, § 6-02-03-040) (Ord. 11, passed 8-26-1969)
   (A)   Contents. The final plat shall substantially conform to the approved preliminary plat, shall constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the proprietor proposes to record and develop at the time, and shall conform in all respects to the requirements of Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 through 560.293.
   (B)   Submittal.
      (1)   The proprietor submits five copies of the final plat, five copies of construction plans for improvements in the subdivision, and all restrictive covenants for the subdivision, together with copies of the design engineer’s detailed estimate of construction costs to the Clerk-Treasurer.
      (2)   The proprietor shall pay all fees for final plat approval at the time of submission to the Clerk-Treasurer in accordance with the fee in § 153.06.
   (C)   Governing body action on final plat.
      (1)   The Clerk-Treasurer, within 20 days after receipt of the final plat, shall place the review of the final plat on the agenda of the governing body, if the County Road Commission (if its approval is required) and County Drain Commission have approved the plat.
      (2)   The proprietor shall be notified officially by mail, by the Clerk-Treasurer, of the decision of the governing body.
   (D)   Evidence of title. The proprietor shall furnish to the Clerk-Treasurer an abstract of title or a policy of title insurance of the final plat covering all of the land included within the boundaries of the final plat, in accordance with Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.245.
(1984 Code, § 6-02-03-050) (Ord. 11, passed 8-26-1969)
§ 153.35 GENERALLY.
   The following principles and standards shall be construed as design objectives which may be reasonably modified for reasons of practical difficulty or site characteristics subject to the approval of the municipality.
   (A)   Every subdivision’s plat shall conform to the requirements and objectives of these design principles and standards and the Master Plan, or any parts thereof, as may be adopted by the Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required, to Ch. 157, other municipal ordinances, and to the public acts of the state.
   (B)   Whenever a tract to be subdivided embraces any part of a street designated on the Master Plan, as may be adopted, such street shall be platted in the location and width indicated on such plan.
(1984 Code, § 6-02-04-010) (Ord. 11, passed 8-26-1969)
   (A)   Street layout shall provide for the continuation of existing major or collector streets in surrounding areas, or conform to a plan for neighborhood development approved by the Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required.
   (B)   Certain proposed streets, as designated by the Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required, shall be extended to the boundary line of the tract to provide for future connections with adjoining unplatted land. In general, these extensions shall be not more than 1,300 feet apart.
   (C)   Where a subdivision abuts any of the following rights-of-way or zone districts, the Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required, shall normally require location of a street approximately parallel to, and one lot depth distant from, such rights-of-way or zones:
      (1)   Any street the Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required, may designate as a major traffic artery;
      (2)   Railroad and major overhead utility transmission lines; and
      (3)   Commercial or industrial districts.
   (D)   Proposed streets shall be so arranged in relation to existing topography as to produce desirable lots and streets of reasonable gradient.
   (E)   Except where justified in unique conditions, alleys will not be approved in those parts of the plat proposed for one- or two-family residential use.
   (F)   Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 125 feet shall be avoided.
   (G)   Half-streets are prohibited, except where absolutely essential to the reasonable development of the tract in conformity to principles herein stated. Whenever a half-street has previously been platted outside of and abutting the tract boundary line, the remaining half shall be platted within the tract.
(1984 Code, § 6-02-04-020) (Ord. 11, passed 8-26-1969)