§ 150.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Generally. Any person violating any provision of this chapter, for which no other penalty is provided, shall be subject to the penalty provisions of § 10.99.
   (B)   Penalty for violations of the Building Code.
      (1)   Fines paid at Municipal Violations Bureau.
         (a)   Pursuant to § 150.03, if the civil fine is paid at the Village Municipal Violations Bureau, the initial fine shall be $50.
         (b)   The Village Municipal Violations Bureau is hereby authorized to accept civil fines in the amounts specified herein. In the case of payment at the Municipal Violations Bureau, no costs shall be imposed or collected.
      (2)   Second offense. In the case of a second occurrence of the same offense within one year of the date of the initial infraction, the civil fine shall be $100.
      (3)   Third offense. In the case of a third occurrence of the same offense within one year of the date of the initial infraction, the civil fine shall be $250.
      (4)   Fourth and subsequent offenses. In the case of a fourth or subsequent occurrence of the same offense within one year of the date of the initial infraction, the civil fine shall be $500.
(1984 Code, § 5-01-030)
   (C)   Penalty for violations of the International Property Maintenance Code. A person of a corporation, including an officer, director, or employee of a corporation who violations any of the terms of §§ 150.15 through 150.17 shall be responsible for a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, imposition of fine not exceeding $500, or both.
(1984 Code, § 5-04-04)
   (D)   Penalty for violations of unsafe buildings.
      (1)   General penalty clause. Any violation of §§ 150.30 or 150.31 is hereby designated as a municipal civil infraction and violators shall be subject to the civil fines, sanctions, remedies, and procedures as set forth in §§ 10.99, 32.20 through 32.23, and state law.
      (2)   Fines paid at Violations Bureau. If the civil fine is paid at the Village Municipal Violations Bureau, the initial fine shall be $50.
         (a)   In the case of another offense within one year of the date of the initial infraction, the civil fine shall be $100. (This shall be known as the second offense.)
         (b)   In the case of another offense within one year of the date of the second offense, the civil fine shall be $250. (This shall be known as the third offense.)
         (c)   In the case of another offense within one year of the date of the third offense, the civil fine shall be $500. (This shall be known as the fourth offense). All subsequent offenses shall be $500.
      (3)   Collection. The Village Violations Bureau is hereby authorized to accept civil fines in the amounts specified. In case of payment at the Violations Bureau, no costs shall be imposed or collected.
(1984 Code, § 5-03-030)
(Ord. 54, passed 9-28-1976; Ord. 113, passed 6-16-1981; Ord. 143, passed 7-24-1984; Ord. 165, passed 8-25-1987; Ord. 204, passed 10-9-1990; Ord. 288, passed 4-28-1998; Ord. 303, passed 7-14-1998; Ord. 344, passed 9-2-2001; Ord. 375, passed 8-4-2005; Ord. 385, passed 3-18-2007)