General Provisions
153.01 Short title
153.02 Authority
153.03 Interpretation
153.04 Scope
153.05 Definitions
153.06 Use districts
153.07 Residential/Agriculture Zone
153.08 Commercial Zone
153.09 Industrial Zone
153.10 Non-conforming uses
153.11 District establishment; zoning map
153.12 Zoning permits
153.13 Building permits
153.14 Street access
153.15 Changes upon annexation of unincorporated areas
153.16 Administrative procedures
153.17 Land use schedule
Telecommunications Towers, Antennas and Related Facilities
153.30 Purpose
153.31 Definitions
153.32 County approvals; exemptions
153.33 Areas permitting location by conditional use or administrative approval
153.34 Areas limiting location
153.35 Areas prohibiting location
153.36 Facilities 125 feet or less in height
153.37 Conditional uses
153.38 Annual information report
153.39 Removal; security for removal
153.40 Preexisting towers
153.41 Compliance
153.42 Structural, design and environmental standards
153.43 Separations and setback requirements
153.44 Permits
153.99 Penalty
(A) In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety and welfare, to retain and enhance upon the aesthetics of the community, to preserve and enhance land values, to separate incompatible uses and to promote security within the community.
(B) To protect the public, among other purposes, such provisions are intened to provide for adequate light, safety from fire and other danger and undue concentration of populations.
(Ord. 96-9-4, passed 9-16-1996)
(A) It is not intended by this subchapter to repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way impair or interfere with existing provisions of other laws or ordinance, except those specifically repealed by this chapter, or with private restrictions placed upon property by covenants running with the land to which the city is a party.
(B) Where this subchapter imposes a greater restriction upon land, buildings or structures than is imposed or required by such existing provisions of law, ordinance, contract or deed, the provisions of this subchapter shall control.
(Ord. 96-9-4, passed 9-16-1996)