A. Site Development Master Plan: Prior to the issuance of any building permit and/or construction of any new, permanent buildings within an R/M-U zoning district, excluding any temporary structures associated with construction activities, the city shall approve a site development master plan.
1. The applicant shall submit a proposed site development master plan to the community development director for review and recommendation by the technical review committee (TRC).
2. The TRC shall forward the application to the planning commission for review and recommendation.
3. The planning commission shall hold a public hearing prior to making a recommendation to the city council.
4. Approval or disapproval of a site development master site plan (SDMP) for an overall project within the R/M-U zoning district shall be determined by the city council after receiving a recommendation from the planning commission.
5. The city shall only approve an SDMP for those projects that comply with the vision and purpose of this chapter, and other applicable sections of this code.
B. Development Agreement: A development agreement between the developer and the city of Holladay shall grant specific rights pursuant to an approved site development master plan (SDMP) and shall include and specifically address any additional development related considerations integral to the proposal not already governed by applicable land use and planning regulations. The following items shall specifically be addressed by the development agreement:
1. Duration of the development agreement.
2. The maximum height of buildings.
3. Land uses permitted, their minimum and maximum intensities and the manner in which they are combined within the development site.
4. The density permitted within the development site, provided in dwelling units per acre (DUA).
5. The intensity permitted within the development site, provided as a floor area ratio (FAR).
6. Provision for reservation or dedication of land (for example, dedication of ROW or park land) if any, by any and all parties to the development agreement.
7. Provisions relating to cost allocation, funding for infrastructure, capital improvement costs, impact fees and the like, to be provided by any and all parties to the development agreement.
8. Other corollary agreements, covenants or declarations of restrictions accepted, which may encumber or otherwise affect the development site.
C. Phasing: The site development master plan is for all parcels within the R/M-U zoning district. Construction of the project may be phased as reasonably needed by the developer. Each phase shall be of such size, composition and arrangement that its construction, marketing and operation is feasible as a unit independent of any subsequent phases. The planning commission shall review and approve individual phases and/or subdivision plats of the project for compliance to the SDMP and development agreement. Submissions for individual phases of the project shall follow the submissions procedure as outlined in chapters 13.06 and 13.08 of this title, the SDMP and/or as specified in the development agreement.
D. Administrative Approval: Upon approval by the planning commission of each phase of the project, individual elements including site preparation, infrastructure improvements and specific buildings or structure permits shall be approved by the community development director. No such approval shall be granted unless the application meets requirements of the approved SDMP, the development agreement and any other pertinent code or regulation.
E. Property Rezoned: For any property rezoned R/M-U, a building permit must be issued pursuant to an approved SDMP and/or development agreement within twenty four (24) months of the adoption of the zoning district or said zoning shall expire reverting to the previous zone designation. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)