A.   Tag Required: Upon payment of the license fee, the director shall issue to the owner a receipt and a tag for each pet licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon the license number, corresponding with the tag number on the receipt. The owner shall attach the tag to the collar or harness of the animal and see that the animal constantly wears the collar and tag. Failure to attach the tag as provided shall be a violation of this title, except that dogs or cats which are kept for show purpose are exempt from wearing the collar and tag while participating in an animal exhibition.
   B.   Nontransferable; Refunds; Replacement: Tags are not transferable from one animal to another unless authorized by the director. No refunds shall be made on any dog, cat or ferret license fee for any reason whatsoever. Replacement for lost or destroyed tags shall be allowed upon payment to the city of the replacement tag fee set forth in title 3, chapter 3.35 of this code.
   C.   Removal Violation: Any person who removes, or causes the removal, of the collar, harness or tag from any licensed dog, cat or ferret without the consent of the owner or keeper thereof, except a licensed veterinarian or animal control officer who removes such for medical or other reasons, shall violate this title.
   D.   Microchip: Owners may have an identifying microchip implanted in their animals. If owners take such action, they shall be exempt from the requirement that such animals wear identifying tags at all times while on the owner's premises; provided, that the microchip information has been registered with the director. Owners shall assume the risk of the loss or destruction of an unrestrained animal whose microchip either cannot be located after a reasonable search thereof or owner information cannot be found after a reasonable records search.
   E.   Responsibility Of Microchip Vendor: It is the responsibility of any vendor of microchips to provide information to the director as to the identification of the owner of an animal that has been microchipped by said vendor. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)