If the owner of any dog, cat or ferret is found to be in violation of this title on three (3) or more different occasions, within a twelve (12) month period, the director may seek a court order pursuant to chapter 8.10 of this title, revoking for a period of one year any and all licenses such person may possess, and providing for the division to pick up and impound any animal kept by the person under such order. Any animal impounded pursuant to such an order shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this title for impounded animals, except that the person under the order of revocation shall not be allowed to redeem such animal, unless successfully making reapplication of the license with the division. Persons seeking reapplication of said animals must comply with conditions as set forth by the director that may include, but not limited to, sterilization of the animals, enclosure requirements and confinement conditions. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)