7.01.010: Short Title
7.01.020: Purpose
7.01.030: Scope
7.01.040: Existing Law Continued
7.01.050: Criminal Prosecution Right
7.01.060: Effect Of Headings
7.01.070: Severability
7.01.080: Civil Liability
7.01.090: General Rules Of Interpretation
7.01.100: Definitions Applicable To Title Generally
7.01.110: Acts Include Causing, Aiding And Abetting
7.01.120: Service Of Notice Requirements
7.01.130: General Enforcement Authority
7.01.140: Adoption Of Policy And Procedures
7.01.150: Authority To Inspect
7.01.160: False Information Or Refusal Prohibited
7.01.170: Failure To Obey A Subpoena
7.01.010: SHORT TITLE:
This title shall be known as THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE ENFORCEMENT or "ACE" program. This title shall also be known as title 7 of the code of ordinances of the city. It may be cited and pleaded under either designation. (Ord. 03-09, 4-24-2003)
7.01.020: PURPOSE:
The city council finds that the enforcement of this code and applicable state codes is an important public activity. Code enforcement is vital to the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and quality of life. The city council recognizes that code enforcement is effective only when done quickly and fairly. The city council further finds that an enforcement system that allows a combination of judicial and administrative remedies is effective in correcting violations. (Ord. 03-09, 4-24-2003)
7.01.030: SCOPE:
The provisions of this title may be applied to all violations of this code, or applicable state codes which occur within the city limits and such territory outside the city limits over which the city has jurisdiction or control by virtue of any constitutional provision or law. This title establishes an additional remedy that may be used by the city to achieve compliance with applicable codes. (Ord. 03-09, 4-24-2003)
The provisions of this title shall not invalidate any other title, chapter or ordinance of this code, but shall be read in conjunction with those titles, chapters and ordinances and shall be used as an additional remedy for enforcement of violations thereof. (Ord. 03-09, 4-24-2003)
The city shall have sole discretion in deciding whether to file a civil or criminal judicial case or pursue an administrative enforcement action for the violation of any of its ordinances or applicable code requirements. The enactment of this title shall not be construed to limit the city's right to prosecute any violation as a criminal offense. If the city chooses to file both administrative actions and criminal charges for the same violation, no civil fees shall be assessed in the administrative action, but all other remedies contained herein shall be available. (Ord. 03-09, 4-24-2003)
Title, chapter and section headings contained herein shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify or in any manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of the provisions of this title. (Ord. 03-09, 4-24-2003)
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, portion or provision of this title is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this title. The city council hereby declares that it would have adopted this title and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, portion or provision thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, portions or provisions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. This section shall apply to all amendments made to this title. (Ord. 03-09, 4-24-2003)