14.04.010: CLASS C ROADS:
"Class C roads" mean the same as "city road", defined in this chapter. (1999 Code)
14.04.020: CONSTRUCTION:
"Construction" means the construction, reconstruction, replacement and improvement of the public highways, including the acquisition of rights of way and material sites. (1999 Code)
14.04.030: CITY ROADS:
"City roads" include all public roads and streets within the city that are not designated as state highways. (1999 Code)
14.04.040: CURB LINE:
"Curb line" means a line on either side of the center of a highway ten feet (10') inside the right of way line and running parallel to the right of way line. Any individual exceptions to this definition must be approved by the city. (1999 Code)
14.04.050: DEPARTMENT:
"Department" means the city community development department or other designee of the city. (1999 Code)
14.04.060: FENCE LINE:
"Fence line" means a line on either side of the center of a highway coterminous with the outside boundary or limits of the highway. (1999 Code)
"Highway authorities" means the state road commission, the city, or its designated representative. (1999 Code)
"Limited access facility" means a highway, road or street especially designed for through traffic and over, from or to which neither owners nor occupants of abutting lands, nor other persons, have any right to easement, or have only a limited right or easement of access, light, air or view. (1999 Code)
14.04.090: MAINTENANCE:
"Maintenance" means the performance of all things necessary to keep a public highway in serviceable condition. (1999 Code)
14.04.100: OFFICIAL MAP:
"Official map" means the official maps of the city, as adopted by the city council in accordance with law, showing the highways, freeways, parks, parkways, and sites for public buildings or works, including subsurface facilities, in the acquisition, financing, or construction of which the city has participated or may be called upon to participate. (1999 Code)
14.04.110: PERSON:
"Person" includes any individual, firm, company, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, association, other entity, or any group or combination, and the plural as well as the singular, unless the intent to give a more limited meaning is disclosed by the context. (1999 Code)
14.04.120: PUBLIC HIGHWAY:
"Public highway" or "highway" means any road, street, lane, court, place, viaduct, tunnel, culvert, bridge, alley, or other public way situated within the city laid out or erected as such by the public, or dedicated, abandoned or open to the public, or made such in any action for the partition of real property, or such other public property so designated by any ordinance or statute, and includes the entire area within the right of way. (1999 Code)
14.04.130: RIGHT OF WAY:
"Right of way" means land, property or an interest therein, usually in a strip, acquired for or devoted to use as a public highway. (1999 Code)
14.04.140: SECTION:
"Section" means a section of this title unless some other section is specifically mentioned. (1999 Code)