§ 1-808  WARDS.
   (A)   The city shall redistrict as often as necessary using the most recent federal census to ensure that each ward is substantially equal in population.
   (B)   The city shall be divided into the following wards as set forth herein.
      (1)   First Ward. The First Ward shall consist of all that part of the city lying east of and including the east side of Logan Street as the same runs north and south to the easterly corporate limits of the city.
      (2)   Second Ward. The Second Ward shall consist of all that part of the city lying between the west side of Logan Street and the east side of West Avenue as these lines run north and south between 18th and 12th Avenue and the west side of Logan Street; and the east side of Grant Street as these lines run north and south between 12th Avenue and 3rd Street and the west side of Logan Street; and the east side of East Avenue as these lines run north and south between 3rd Street and the southerly corporate limits of the city.
      (3)   Third Ward. The Third Ward shall consist of all that part of the city lying between the west side of the easterly corporate limits of the city as these lines run north and south between 22nd Avenue and 18th Avenue and the east side of Burlington Street; and the west side of West Avenue as these lines run north and south between 18th Avenue and 12th Avenue and the east side of Burlington Street; and the west side of Grant Street as these lines run north and south between 12th Avenue and 3rd Street and the east side of Burlington Street; and the west side of East Avenue as these lines run north and south between 3rd Street and the southerly corporate limits of the city and the east side of Burlington Street.
      (4)   Fourth Ward. The Fourth Ward shall consist of all that part of the city lying west of Burlington Street as the same runs north and south to the westerly corporate limits of the city.
(2005 Code, § 1-808)  (Ord. 2341, passed 11-1-2011)
   ELECTORS shall mean every person of the constitutionally prescribed age or upwards, who shall have the right to vote for all officers to be elected to public office, and upon all questions and proposals lawfully submitted to the voters at any and all elections authorized or provided for by the Constitution or the laws of the state, except school elections; provided, no person shall be qualified to vote at any election unless such person shall be a resident of the state and shall have been properly registered with the election official of the county.
(2005 Code, § 1-809)
§ 1-810  BALLOTS.
   The municipality shall, through the County Clerk, provide printed ballots for every general municipal election and the expense of printing and delivering the ballots and cards of instruction shall be a charge upon the municipality.
(2005 Code, § 1-810)
   In any general election, where the person who received the highest number of votes is ineligible, disqualified, deceased or for any other reason is unable to assume the office for which he or she was a candidate, and the electorate had reasonable notice of such disability at the time of the election, the candidate in such election who received the next highest number of votes shall be declared elected, and shall be entitled to the certificate of election; provided that, any candidate so declared elected received not less than 35% of the total number of votes cast for such office in the election. If any of the qualifications of this section are not met by the candidate to be declared elected, or reasonable notice of the winners ineligibility is not available to the voters, a vacancy in such office shall be declared to exist at the time of commencement of the term and shall be filled as prescribed by law.
(2005 Code, § 1-811)
   1-901   Financial statement
   1-902   Budget statement
   1-903   Budget hearing
   1-904   Budget filing
   1-905   Annual audit
   1-906   Property tax
   1-907   Disbursements by Treasurer
   1-908   Appropriation
   1-909   Expenditures
   1-910   Judgment
   1-911   Unlawful transfers
   1-912   Lawful transfer of funds
   1-913   Insufficient funds
   1-914   Sinking funds
   1-915   Depositories
   1-916   Certificates of deposit; time deposits; security required
   1-917   Depository bond
   1-918   Depository securities
   1-919   Maximum deposits
   1-920   Investment of funds
   1-921   Claims
   1-922   Claims; audits
   1-923   Warrants
   1-924   Contracts; appropriation
   1-925   Contract vote
   1-926   Contract advertising
   The Mayor and Council shall cause to be published semi-annually a statement of the receipts of the city and the sources thereof and an itemized account of the expenditures and the financial condition of the city.
(2005 Code, § 1-901)
   The governing body shall annually prepare a proposed budget statement on forms furnished by the State Auditor. The proposed budget statement shall be made available to the public prior to the notice of hearing on the proposed budget statement; the proposed budget statement shall contain the non-tax revenue which was allocated to each of the several funds, the unencumbered cash balance of each fund at the beginning and end of the prior fiscal year, the amount received by taxation allocated to each fund and the actual expenditures for each fund. For the current fiscal year, the budget statement shall contain the actual and estimated revenue from non-tax sources, the actual unencumbered cash balance available at the beginning of the year, the amount to be received from taxation allocated to each fund and the amount of actual and estimated expenditures. For the immediate ensuing fiscal year, the budget statement should include an estimate of the non-tax revenue from each source and which fund it is to be allocated to, the actual or estimated unencumbered cash balance for each fund which will be available at the beginning of the next fiscal year, amounts proposed to be expended during the year, and the amount of cash reserve which shall not exceed 50% of the total budget adopted exclusive of capital outlay items. The amount to be raised from taxation, as determined herein, plus the estimated revenue from sources other than taxation, and the unencumbered balances shall equal the estimated expenditures, plus the required cash reserve for the ensuing year.
(2005 Code, § 1-902)