(A) Qualifications. The company officers of the Volunteer Department shall be selected upon their ability to meet the following requirements:
(1) Their knowledge of firefighting;
(2) Their leadership ability; and
(3) Their knowledge of firefighting equipment.
(B) Secretary-Treasurer. One member of the Volunteer Department elected by the Fire Department shall be Secretary-Treasurer. His or her duties shall consist of the following:
(1) Calling the roll at the opening of each meeting;
(2) Keeping the minutes of each meeting; and
(3) Collecting the money due the Department by the members.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-4)
The Volunteer Fire Department shall be subject to the following rules and regulations which shall be incorporated in the bylaws of the Department:
(A) All volunteer firefighters are required, when notified, to respond to alarms of fire and other emergencies;
(B) Each is required to be present at all regular meetings, call meetings and schools presented for the benefit of the firefighters;
(C) There shall be at least one regular business meeting each month;
(D) Any volunteer firefighter having two unexcused absences in succession or three unexcused absences in a period of three months will be dropped from the Fire Department rolls;
(E) Volunteer firefighters leaving the city for an extended period of time will be required to notify the Chief;
(F) Any volunteer firefighter refusing to attend training classes provided for him or her will be dropped; and
(G) Any volunteer member of the Fire Department shall be dropped from the rolls for the following offenses:
(1) Conduct unbecoming a firefighter;
(2) Any act of insubordination;
(3) Neglect of duty;
(4) Any violation of rules and regulations governing the Fire Department; or
(5) Conviction of a felony.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-6)
It is the duty of every person at a fire to observe and obey the lawful orders of any public officer or firefighter of the city, and to offer no resistance to, or otherwise interfere with, the officer and firefighters or any company of firefighters, in the performance of their duties at any fire within the limits of the city.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-7) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Protection. It is unlawful for any person, without authority, to take, remove or in any manner disturb, molest or interfere with any hydrants, hose, hose cart, hook and ladder vehicle, ladder or any apparatus or tools to be used in connection with the Fire Department.
(B) Repair. The Chief shall report to the City Council any necessary repairs, alterations or improvements needed by the Fire Department, with an estimate of their probable cost, and shall superintend the making of such repairs, alterations and improvements, and, in case any apparatus shall become disabled for immediate use, he or she shall repair the same and report his or her action to the Council.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-8) Penalty, see § 10.99
The Fire Department of the city is authorized to make calls outside the city unless, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, or his or her duly authorized representative, it is inexpedient to do so because of another fire in the city or any other physical condition that may exist. Nothing herein shall prohibit the Chief of the Fire Department of the city, or any duly authorized representative in charge in the absence of either the Fire Chief or his or her assistant, from dispatching fire or other emergency equipment outside the corporate limits of the city.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-9)
The city may enter into contracts or agreements with individuals, firms, private corporations or associations, or political subdivisions of the state, including school districts, for fire protection outside the corporate limits of the city and to contract to provide fire protection jointly with other organizations and municipal subdivisions of the state.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-10)