   The Fire Chief, Assistant Chief and firefighters shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent and confirmation of the City Council, and shall serve for indefinite terms, subject to removal as provided in this code or by applicable law.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-1)
   It is the duty of the Fire Department, among others, to extinguish fires; to rescue persons endangered by fire; to resuscitate, and to administer first aid to persons injured in or about burning structures, or elsewhere in case of an emergency; to promote fire prevention; and unless otherwise provided, to enforce all ordinances relating to fires, fire prevention, and safety of persons from fire and explosions in theaters, stores, and other public buildings.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-2)
   (A)   Fire Chief.
      (1)   The Chief of the Fire Department shall be at the head of the Department, subject to the laws of the state, ordinances of the city, and the rules and regulations herein adopted.
      (2)   He or she shall:
         (a)   Be responsible for the general condition and efficient operation of the Department, the training of members and the performance of all other duties imposed upon him or her;
         (b)   Have power to inspect or cause to be inspected by members of the Department, the fire hydrants, cisterns and other sources of water supply at least twice each year;
         (c)   Maintain a library or file of publications on fire prevention and fire protection and shall make use of it to the best advantage of all members;
         (d)   Make every effort to attend all fires and direct the officers and members in the performance of their duties;
         (e)   See that the citizens are kept informed on fire hazards in the community and on the activities of the Department;
         (f)   See that each fire is carefully investigated to determine its cause, and, in the case of suspicion of incendiarism, shall notify proper authorities and secure and preserve all possible evidence for future use in the case;
         (g)   Adopt all prudent measures for the prevention of fires, and whenever he or she has reason to believe that the safety of property demands it, he or she and his or her authorized representatives shall have reasonable access in the daytime to any house, building or premises in the city and may give directions for correcting or removing hazards or violations as he or she shall deem proper. Such directions shall be obeyed and complied with by the person or persons so directed, immediately, at their expense;
         (h)   Keep a record of all fires occurring within the city in a suitable book, to be provided for that purpose, showing the estimated value of the loss or damage to property, the amount of insurance, the cause and origin of fire, and the names of the firefighters attending, and the expenses incurred to the Department thereby; and
         (i)   Prepare and keep a complete inventory of all property belonging to the Fire Department, and shall, at the expiration of his or her term, turn over such inventory and all such property to his or her successor, together with all books, records, reports and data of such Department.
   (B)   Assistant Fire Chief. In the absence of the Chief, the Assistant Chief on duty shall command the Department and be held responsible therefor in all respects with the full powers and responsibilities of the Chief.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-3)
   (A)   Qualifications. The company officers of the Volunteer Department shall be selected upon their ability to meet the following requirements:
      (1)   Their knowledge of firefighting;
      (2)   Their leadership ability; and
      (3)   Their knowledge of firefighting equipment.
   (B)   Secretary-Treasurer. One member of the Volunteer Department elected by the Fire Department shall be Secretary-Treasurer. His or her duties shall consist of the following:
      (1)   Calling the roll at the opening of each meeting;
      (2)   Keeping the minutes of each meeting; and
      (3)   Collecting the money due the Department by the members.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-4)
§ 33.05 NEW MEMBERS.
   (A)   Probation. All new members shall be on probation for one year after their appointment.
   (B)   Approval by Department. New volunteer members, upon completion of their probation period, must be approved by the majority of the Fire Department members.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-5)
   The Volunteer Fire Department shall be subject to the following rules and regulations which shall be incorporated in the bylaws of the Department:
   (A)   All volunteer firefighters are required, when notified, to respond to alarms of fire and other emergencies;
   (B)   Each is required to be present at all regular meetings, call meetings and schools presented for the benefit of the firefighters;
   (C)   There shall be at least one regular business meeting each month;
   (D)   Any volunteer firefighter having two unexcused absences in succession or three unexcused absences in a period of three months will be dropped from the Fire Department rolls;
   (E)   Volunteer firefighters leaving the city for an extended period of time will be required to notify the Chief;
   (F)   Any volunteer firefighter refusing to attend training classes provided for him or her will be dropped; and
   (G)   Any volunteer member of the Fire Department shall be dropped from the rolls for the following offenses:
      (1)   Conduct unbecoming a firefighter;
      (2)   Any act of insubordination;
      (3)   Neglect of duty;
      (4)   Any violation of rules and regulations governing the Fire Department; or
      (5)   Conviction of a felony.
(Prior Code, § 4-2-6)