   A.   It shall be the duty of the zoning board of appeals to hear and decide, as is provided by statute, any appeal of any decision, order or interpretation by the officer whose duty it is to enforce zoning regulations, and such other powers and duties as may be delegated thereto by statute or ordinance or matters referred thereto by the village board; provided, it shall have the power to reverse any decision of such officer on a concurring vote of four (4) members, as provided by statute. (1985 Code § 2-4-2)
   B.   The zoning board of appeals, unless other provision is made in the zoning title, shall hear at public hearing after notice, as provided by state law, any petition for a variation of a zoning regulation and shall make its findings and conclusions thereon, and shall report to the president and board of trustees.
   C.   The zoning board of appeals may recommend to the president and board of trustees changes in any ordinance or regulation affecting zoning. (1985 Code § 2-4-2; amd. 2016 Code)
Each time the chair of the zoning board of appeals attends a meeting, he or she shall be paid the sum of one hundred twenty five dollars ($125.00) for each application heard. Each member of the zoning board of appeals who attends a meeting shall be paid a sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each application heard. However, in no case shall any member receive more than the stated compensation for any one application, regardless of the number of hearings attended. (Ord. 95-19, 9-11-1995; amd. Ord. 06-24, 12-19-2006)
A nonmember of the board or the village attorney shall act as secretary to the zoning board of appeals and shall ensure that the applications are processed and hearings are conducted in accordance with the law. (1985 Code § 2-4-4)