Existing and future ordinances that may be applicable in any way to mobile homes, including, but not limited to, all planning and zoning regulations and requirements, shall be strictly complied with by all mobile home owners and are incorporated herein by reference.
(Ord. 2017-06, passed 9-11-2017)
Any existing or occupied mobile home now located on any lot or tract in the limits of the city, other than a mobile home park, that conforms to health regulations, utility hook-ups, maintenance requirements, relevant planning and zoning ordinances and setback regulations, and the requirements as set out in §§ 153.02 and 153.03 of this chapter, may remain; provided, however, that, if the same is removed or is unoccupied for a continuous period in excess of six months, the right to maintain the mobile home on such location shall immediately cease.
(Ord. 2017-06, passed 9-11-2017)
Penalties for violation of this chapter shall be as set forth under § 31.26 of this code of ordinances. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 2017-06, passed 9-11-2017)