(B) If the term is not defined in the subdivision or zoning regulations, the common meaning of the term, as stated in a generally accepted dictionary, shall be used.
(C) For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BUILDING CODE. The current building code adopted and enforced by the city.
CLEAR-VIEW TRIANGLE (CVT). The area 30 feet from the intersection of a roadway, as measured along the curb line, or edge of pavement or drive lane for uncurbed areas, on both intersecting roadways. These points shall be connected by a straight line to complete the CLEAR-VIEW TRIANGLE area. See § 150.27 of this chapter for an example.
FENCE. A structure serving as an enclosure, barrier or boundary, usually made of posts, boards, chain link or rails, with a height of at least 18 inches.
FINISHED SIDE. The side of a fence that covers the posts and support structures.
FRONT YARD. The setback area required by the zoning ordinance for the zoning district in which the property is located, or the area between the property line and the principal structure on a parcel, whichever is less. A corner property has FRONT YARD areas along both street frontages.
HEIGHT. The vertical distance from the adjacent grade to the highest portion of a fence.
REAR YARD. The area of a parcel from the required front yard area or front of a structure to the back property boundary.
RIGHT-OF-WAY (ROW). Land dedicated to the public for public use as streets, utility areas, sidewalks, alleys or pedestrian ways.
SIDE YARD. The area between structures on a parcel and the side property lines as required by Ch. 155 of this code of ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 156.02) (Ord. 10-2007, passed 10-2-2007)