A. Rabies Vaccination Required:
1. Every owner of a dog within the City limits shall obtain a rabies vaccination and tag from Lake County Health Department pursuant to the Lake County, IL Code of Ordinances chapter 172.
B. Rabies Tag And Collar:
1. Rabies Tag And Collar Required: The owner of a dog shall keep a collar upon the dog's neck with a metallic or plastic tag securely fastened thereto that identifies the dog and provides the date of the rabies vaccination. Any dog found within the City without a tag so fastened upon its neck shall be deemed a nuisance and shall be disposed of as provided in this chapter.
2. Removing Collar And Tag Prohibited; Expired Tags: No person shall remove or take away the collar or tag from any dog, or entice or decoy any dog out of any house or enclosed lot or from without the City limits to within the City for the purpose of impounding such dog. When any dog is at large within the City and a tag for any preceding year is attached to the dog, the owner of the dog shall be notified where possible and required to procure a current tag. (Ord. 19-O-04, 4-16-2019)
A. Leash Required: No owner of a dog shall permit the dog to run at large in any part of the City at any time. Any dog off the premises of the owner and not under the control of the owner or a member of his immediate family over ten (10) years of age, by leash, shall be considered "at large". "Leash" means a cord, thong or chain, not more than ten feet (10') in length, by which a dog is controlled by the person accompanying it. A dog within the car of its owner shall be deemed to be upon the owner's premises.
B. Removal Of Excrement: It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit a dog to be on any property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person unless such person has in his immediate possession a device for the removal of excrement and a depository for the transmission of excrement to a receptacle located upon property owned or possessed by such person. Further, it shall be unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person, to fail to remove excrement left by such dog to a proper receptacle located on property owned or possessed by such person.
C. Impoundment: Any dog found at large on any street of the City contrary to the provisions of this section shall be impounded according to the directions of the Chief of Police. (Ord. 2006-O-12, 3-21-2006)
A. Impoundment: Any dog found within the City not having a collar upon its neck and a current rabies tag attached thereto shall be caught and impounded at the direction of the Chief of Police.
B. Records; Notice Of Impoundment; Failure To Redeem: The City official, upon receiving any dog, shall make a complete registry, entering the breed, color and sex of such dog, and whether tagged. If tagged, he shall enter the name, address, and telephone number of the owner and the number of the tag. Tagged dogs shall be separated from untagged dogs. Not later than eight (8) hours after the impounding of any dog, the owner shall be contacted by phone. If the owner does not retrieve the dog, or if the owner of the dog is unknown, the County Animal Control Office will be contacted to retrieve the animal.
C. Redemption: The owner of any tagged dog so impounded or the person claiming to be the owner of any untagged dog may redeem such dog in accordance with the provisions of this chapter upon payment of an impounding fee and a maintenance charge, all as provided in section 3-2A-1 of this Code. All fees and charges shall be paid to the City Collector, and upon presentation of a proper receipt from the City Collector, the City official in possession of the dog shall release such dog in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 19-O-04, 4-16-2019)