(a)   (1)   In accordance with the Village's goal of increasing the level of MBE and FBE participation in Village contracts, each contracting department shall use its best efforts to utilize certified MBEs and FBEs, as contractors or subcontractors, for all contracts in excess of $5,000.00 in accordance with the following annual goals:
Type of Contract
% of total dollars expended by the department
Professional Services
      (2)   In the case of contracts or subcontracts awarded to MBEs or FBEs for supplies, the total dollar value of the contract will be counted if the supplier is the manufacturer, but only 50% of the total dollar value will be counted if the supplier is not the manufacturer.
      (3)   A contractor who qualifies as both an MBE and FBE may obtain annual certifications as both an MBE and FBE. For each particular contract, the contractor may be designated, evaluated and reported as either an MBE, FBE, or both. If the contractor does not indicate its preference, the contracting department shall make the appropriate designation prior to choosing the lowest and best bid.
      (4)   Contracting departments will consider utilization of certified MBEs and FBEs as one factor affecting the choice of the lowest and best bid. However, these goals are not to be construed as quotas.
      (5)   Notwithstanding any goal established in Section 115.05(a)(1), Council of the Village of Highland Hills is hereby authorized to increase the percentage goals on any legislation considered by said body.
   (b)   Participation of MBEs and FBEs in joint ventures is encouraged in the case of a certified joint venture, only that portion of the total dollar value of the contract equal to the percentage of participation of the minority or female partner in the joint venture will be counted toward the applicable goal.
   (c)   Each contracting department hereby is directed to:
      (1)   Make every effort to increase the level of participation of MBEs and FBEs in contracts up to $5,000.00 or less;
      (2)   Develop lists of MBEs and FBEs experienced in the various types of services, products or property typically contracted for;
      (3)   Provide quarterly reports to the Director not later than 30 calendar days after the end of the previous quarterly period specifying with respect to contract and subcontracts.
         A.   For the forthcoming quarter, the means by which it intends to meet the goals established by this section.
         B.   The dollar percentage and dollar amount of those contract and subcontracts awarded in the previous quarter to MBEs and FBEs;
         C.   For each contracting department, the degree to which the goals set forth in this Section have been met, any past and current activities undertaken and being undertaken in trying to meet such goals and, if applicable, a detailed explanation of why the goals set forth in this Section have not been met; and
         D.   Such other information as may be requested by the director, and
      (4)   Appoint a member of the contracting department to serve as a liaison between the contracting department and the Office of Equal Opportunity and to nominate a member of the contacting department to serve on the Council established pursuant to Section 115.14.
         (Ord. 1990-65. Passed 1-16-91.)