(a)    Excavation permit fee (921.04)
(1)    Underground Private Telecommunication Lines. Underground private telecommunication lines in public rights of way $ 1 per lineal foot plus $1,000 per intersection crossing. (925.06). Cable television providers having franchise agreements with the City are excluded.
(b)    Drainage ditches and culverts (1329.05(b))       
(c)    Sanitary sewer connections and inspections: (1329.11)
Single-family houses
Multifamily buildings, including apartments, townhouses and plexes (first unit)
Each additional unit       
Commercial buildings and schedule
Industrial buildings and schedule
(d)    Permit fees for the laying of various diameters of
   sewer pipe for each 100 feet laid, or fraction
   thereof: (1329.11)
4 to 7-inch diameter    
to 11-inch diameter
12-inch and larger diameter
(e)    Tap-in fees (water lines):
Single-family dwelling
3 bedrooms or less    
4 bedrooms
5 bedrooms or more
$1405.00 per each
additional bedroom
Existing single-family dwelling
3 bedrooms or less
4 or more bedrooms
Two-family dwelling
3 bedrooms or less
4 bedrooms
5 bedrooms or more per dwelling
$1405.00 per each
additional bedroom
Multi-family dwelling
3 bedrooms or less   
4 bedrooms
5 bedrooms or more per dwelling
$1405.00 per each
additional bedroom
1 bedroom unit
Each additional bedroom
All kitchens, staff facilities, scrub sinks
$100.00 per fixture
Commercial building
Tap-in fee to be computed based on fixture count at $100.00 per fixture (minimum tap-in fee)
Industrial building
   Tap-in fee to be computed based on fixture count at $100.00 per fixture (minimum tap-in fee)
   (f)   Fees for all residences, commercial buildings and industrial buildings which are located outside of the boundaries of the City will be calculated at 150 percent of the appropriate new construction charge set forth in this subsection.
(1)    Permits for purchase of water from City Hall hydrant:
First 500 gallons (3 mos.)
Each additional 500 gallons or fraction thereof
(2)    Garbage and rubbish:
Special collections (917.06)
$15.00 per cubic yard
or fraction thereof by
or $3.00 per hundred
weight or fraction
thereof by weight,
whichever is greater,
but not less than
   (g)   Fees for tree planting and removal:
(1)    Permit to plant, remove, trim, spray or
   tamper with any tree within
   a tree lawn on any street within the
   Village of Highland Hills (901.01)
(2)    Arborists, License Fee (905.20) 
(Bond Required)
(3)    Permits for Planting, pruning, or Removal of
   Public Trees (909.05)
- estimated cost under $500.00
no fee
- estimated cost over $500.00
$100.00 for each
$100.00 over $500.00
(4)    Fee for Implementation of Tree Planting Program (913.02)
   (5)    Fee for Right of Way Permit (925.04(c))
(Ord. 2004-41. Passed 6-9-04.)
   (h)   Services rendered by the Village Emergency Medical Service (EMS) for residents and nonresidents (per person, per call):
Residents/Non Residents
Basic life support (BLS)
Advanced life support I (ALS I)
Advanced life support II (ALS II)
Mileage charge
$14.00 per mile
(Ord. 2017-44. Passed 9-13-17.)
    (i)    Fees for the Use of the Public Right-of -Way: (925.02) (see also 105.01)
(1)    Initial Registration Fee (925.02(b))
(2)    Annual Registration Fee each year after
   first year
(3)    Use Permit Fee (925.03, 925.06(b)(1))    
(4)    Refund of Use Permit Fee if withdraw
   within 60 days of app. (925 06(b)(2)(A))
(5)    Construction Permit Fee (925.06(d)(1))
(6)    Construction Oversight hourly rate
(7)   Penalties (925.99)
(Ord. 2004-41. Passed 6-9-04.)
$100.00 to $5,000
(8)   Fee for gas and oil drilling permit -
   Section 931.03
(Ord. 2004-35. Passed 4-14-04.)
   (j)   The following schedule of fees is hereby established for the use and rental of the Highland Hills Government Office Complex and Community Center or portions thereof:
      (1)   For lease of residential housing:
         A.   For lease on a month-to-month basis:
            1.   Efficiency $250.00 up to $425.00 per month, plus a deposit equal to the first month’s rent shall be collected along with the first month rent.
            2.   Efficiency with Kitchenette $450.00 up to $570.00 per month, plus a deposit equal to the first month’s rent shall be collected along with the first month rent.
            3.   One Bedroom Efficiency $560.00 up to $1,000.00 per month, plus a deposit equal to the first month’s rent shall be collected along with the first month rent.
            4.   Any deposit collected with the first month’s rent for any residential housing is subject to be refunded pursuant to the terms and requirements of Ohio R.C. Chapter 5721 et seq., less any damages that must be repaired by the Village of Highland Hills upon the tenant vacating the premises.
      (2)   For lease of commercial office space:
         A.   Cost per square footage: $7.00 to $15.00 per square foot within the range established above based upon the prevailing factors, etc. plus deposit equal to the first month’s rent.
         B.   The Director of Properties shall have authority to negotiate the best and reasonable price per square foot based upon the prevailing factors determining the cost per square foot of lease of commercial space.
      (3)   Charges for appliances shall be up to $25.00 per appliance per month. (Refrigerator, TV)
      (4)   For use of the banquet facilities:
         A.   For use for one calendar day or any portion thereof:
            Ballroom minimum $800.00 up to $1,000.00.
            Ballrooms one half, minimum $500.00 up to $500.00.
      (5)   For use of conference facilities or meeting rooms:
         For use for one calendar day or any portion thereof;
         Maximum $200.00 per day for any conference facility or meeting room.
      (6)   The Mayor, or in his absence, the Director of Properties, may waive any rental charge for recognized community or civic groups conducting organizational activities that do not include party activities or celebrations.
      (7)   A deposit of 50% of the rental charge shall accompany the aplication agreement and will be retained to cover any damages or additional cleaning charges after the event. The balance shall be refunded upon approval of the Director of Properties after deducting any amounts due for rental, damages, labor or equipment as set forth in Section 951.02(e).
      (8)   The Village, through the office of the Mayor or Director of Properties reserves the right to deny permits or agreements for the use of any such facility for any activity considered unlawful or improper.
      (9)   The Properties Director, with approval of the Mayor, may charge an application fee for rental of an efficiency, commercial office or ballroom. The fee shall be a minimum of $25.00 up to $50.00, non-refundable, per application and may only be waived by the Mayor for documented good cause.
         (Ord. 2024-35. Passed 6-12-24.)