There shall be a Planning and Zoning Commission pursuant to the zoning ordinance (Ord. 16-83) as was adopted June 23, 1977.
(1992 Code, § 31.40)
Zoning code adopted by reference, see § 152.01
The Planning Commission shall consist of eight members all of whom shall be citizens and residents of this city. All members of the Planning Commission shall receive minimum compensation as follows: the Chair shall receive a minimum of $175 per meeting and Commissioners shall receive a minimum of $125 per meeting. Compensation is subject to change per approval by Council. Additionally, the Planning Commission may incur such reasonable expenses as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes herein, subject to the approval of Council.
(Ord. 05-2023, passed 3-21-2023)
For provisions concerning the Ethics Commission, see § 36.05.
(1992 Code, § 31.50)
A Tree Commission is hereby established, to be known as the City Tree Commission. The Tree Commission shall consist of seven members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. In the event the Mayor fails to fill a vacancy on the Tree Commission within 60 days of said vacancy, the City Council shall appoint the new member.
(1992 Code, § 31.80) (Ord. 02-2019, passed 3-5-2019)
The initial Tree Commission shall contain two members appointed for a term of one year, two members appointed for a term of two years and three members appointed for a term of three years. Thereafter, all subsequent appointments shall be for a term of two years. Members of the Commission may be appointed for consecutive terms. All members of the Tree Commission shall serve without compensation.
(1992 Code, § 31.81) (Ord. 02-2019, passed 3-5-2019)