   (A)   No city government officer or employee or member of his or her immediate family shall have an interest in a business organization or engage in any business, transaction or professional activity, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his or her duties in the public interest.
   (B)   No city government officer or employee shall use or attempt to use his or her position to secure unwarranted privileges or advantages for himself or herself or others.
(1992 Code, § 37.01) (Ord. 31-94, passed 10-26-1994; Ord. 01-2011, passed 2-15-2011) Penalty, see § 36.99
   (A)   Any officer or employee, or any member of his or her immediate family, of the city government who shall have any private financial interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract or matter pending before or within any department or agency of the city government shall disclose such private interest to the City Council or the City Ethics Commission. Any such disclosure shall require the completion of a disclosure statement revealing in detail the nature of the direct or indirect financial interest.
   (B)   Financial disclosure statement:
      (1)   The following individuals shall be required to file an annual financial disclosure statement:
         (a)   Elected officers; and
         (b)   Candidates for elective office.
      (2)   The financial disclosure statement shall include the following information:
         (a)   Name of filer;
         (b)   Current business address, business telephone number and home address of filer;
         (c)   Title of filer’s public office or office sought;
         (d)   Occupations of filer and spouse;
         (e)   Positions held by the filer and any members of the filer’s immediate family in any business organization or non-profit entity from which the filer or any member of the filer’s immediate family received compensation in excess of $5,000 during the preceding calendar year, and the name, address and telephone number of the business organization or non-profit entity;
         (f)   Name and address of each source of income of filer and spouse from within the commonwealth which exceeded $5,000 during the preceding year;
         (g)   Name and address of each business organization located within the Commonwealth in which the filer or any member of the filer’s immediate family had an interest of $10,000 at the fair market value; and
         (h)   Location of all commercial property within the city, in which the filer or any member of the filer’s immediate family had an interest of $10,000 or more during the past year.
      (3)   Each statement shall be signed and dated by the individual filing the statement of financial interest. The financial disclosure statements required by this chapter shall be filed with the City Ethics Commission.
(1992 Code, § 37.03) (Ord. 31-94, passed 10-16-1994; Ord. 36-94, passed 12-15-1994; Ord. 05-95, passed 3-16-1995; Ord. 01-2011, passed 2-15-2011) Penalty, see § 36.99
§ 36.04 NEPOTISM.
   No city government officer or city government employee shall act in his or her official capacity to hire or cause to be hired any member of his or her immediate family at an hourly pay rate or with benefits in excess of any other employee with similar job duties, responsibilities and qualification requirements.
(1992 Code, § 37.04) (Ord. 31-94, passed 10-26-1994; Ord. 01-2011, passed 2-15-2011) Penalty, see § 36.99
   (A)   Interlocal cooperation agreement.
      (1)   The city adheres to the provisions herein; so adopted as to meet requirements set forth by KRS 65.003.
      (2)   Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference is an interlocal cooperation agreement authorized by KRS 65.210 et seq., which the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to sign on behalf of the city and provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by the Northern Kentucky Regional Ethics Authority, herein referred to as NKREA, and the Northern Kentucky Ethics Enforcement Committee according to the provisions thereof.
   (B)   Retaliation.
      (1)   No official, board member or employee of the city or any city agency shall subject to reprisal retaliation, or directly or indirectly use, or threaten to use, any official authority or influence in any manner whatsoever which tends to discourage, restrain, deter, prevent, interfere with, coerce, or discriminate against any person who in good faith reports, discloses, divulges, or otherwise brings to the attention of the Northern Kentucky Ethics Enforcement Committee or any other agency or official of the city or the commonwealth any facts or information relative to an actual or suspected violation of this chapter.
      (2)   This section shall not be construed as prohibiting disciplinary or punitive action if an official, board member, or employee of the city or any city agency discloses information which he or she knows to be false or which he or she discloses with reckless disregard for its truth, or falsity.
(1992 Code, § 37.05) (Ord. 31-94, passed 10-26-1994; Ord. 04-95, passed 3-16-1995; Ord. 01-2011, passed 2-15-2011; Ord. 01-2023, passed 2-7-2023)
   Pursuant to the interlocal agreement referenced in § 36.06, the Northern Kentucky Regional Ethics Authority, hereinafter NKREA, will establish the Northern Kentucky Ethics Enforcement Committee, hereinafter NKEEC. The NKEEC is hereby designated all powers and authorities necessary to organize itself and adopt rules of procedures as deemed necessary to accomplish these responsibilities which includes, but is not limited to, filing an investigation complaint.
(1992 Code, § 37.06) (Ord. 01-2011, passed 2-15-2011; Ord. 01-2023, passed 2-7-2023)
   Pursuant to the interlocal agreement referenced in § 36.06, the Northern Kentucky Regional Ethics Authority, hereinafter NKREA, will establish the Northern Kentucky Ethics Enforcement Committee, hereinafter NKEEC. The NKEEC is hereby designated all powers and authorities necessary to organize itself and adopt rules of procedures as deemed necessary to accomplish these responsibilities which includes, but is not limited to, notice of any hearing set before the NKEEC.
(1992 Code, § 37.07) (Ord. 01-2011, passed 2-15-2011; Ord. 01-2023, passed 2-7-2023)
   Pursuant to the interlocal agreement referenced in § 36.06, the Northern Kentucky Regional Ethics Authority, hereinafter NKREA, will establish the Northern Kentucky Ethics Enforcement Committee, hereinafter NKEEC. The NKEEC is hereby designated all powers and authorities necessary to organize itself and adopt rules of procedures as deemed necessary to accomplish these responsibilities which includes, but is not limited to, any establishing a hearing procedure.
(1992 Code, § 37.08) (Ord. 01-2011, passed 2-15-2011; Ord. 01-2023, passed 2-7-2023) Penalty, see § 36.99