For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CITY ATTORNEY. The City Attorney of the City of Highland Heights or his or her designee.
   CODE OFFICIAL. The Code Enforcement Officer of the City of Highland Heights or his or her designee.
   FORECLOSED. A property upon which a mortgagee has filed an action in foreclosure in order to recover monies pursuant to a mortgage agreement which has been secured by a lien on property.
   MORTGAGEE. Any for-profit lender who is a party to a mortgage agreement and whose interest in that agreement is secured by a lien on residential property.
   PERSON IN CONTROL. The person, persons or entity holding title to the freehold estate of the premises; a mortgagee or vendee in possession; a receiver; an executor; a trustee; and any person, public or private entity, lessee or holder of a lesser estate in the premises, and/or its duly authorized agent(s), with the authority to bring a building or premises into compliance with the provisions of this subchapter, including, but not limited to any mortgagee that has filed an action in foreclosure on the particular premises at issue, until title to the premises is transferred to a third party.
   RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. Parcel of land which contains a dwelling or structure that provides living accommodations for persons.
   VACANT. Unoccupied or without authorized human inhabitants.
   VACANT, FORECLOSED PROPERTY REGISTRATION FORM. A form publicly available from the City Clerk or Zoning Administrator that mortgagees subject to the requirements of this subchapter must complete and submit as specified in this section.
(1992 Code, § 150.70) (Ord. 03-2013, passed 4-16-2013)