General Provisions
   150.01   Adoption of State Building Code, State Residential Code, State Plumbing Code and Standards of Safety; enforcement agents; building inspection program
   150.02   Application
   150.03   Building permit fees
   150.04   Fire Prevention Code
   150.05   Field Survey Required
   150.06   Carbon Monoxide detector required
   150.07   Adoption of International Property Maintenance Code; amendments
Identifying House Numbers
   150.20   Display of identifying numbers of fronts of buildings; standards
   150.21   Display of number on mailbox
   150.22   Display of permanent signs on buildings in complexes
   150.23   Removal or alteration of numbers prohibited
Regulation of Electricians
   150.40   Definitions
   150.41   Adoption of Building Code
   150.42   Northern Kentucky Electric Association
   150.43   License required
   150.44   Agreement of reciprocity
   150.45   Electric permits
Maintenance of Vacant, Foreclosed Properties
   150.55   Definitions
   150.56   Registration of vacant foreclosed residential property
   150.57   Fees
   150.58   Maintenance obligations of mortgagees
   150.59   Point of sale inspections on vacant, foreclosed properties
   150.60   Joint and several liability
   150.99   Penalty