   (A)   It shall be a duty of the Hermosa Board of Trustees in its capacity as the Planning and Zoning Commission to recommend the boundaries of zoning districts and appropriate regulations to be enforced therein, in accordance with the comprehensive plan. All applications and proposals for changes in or amendments to the zoning regulations shall first be submitted to the Hermosa Board of Trustees in its capacity as the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (B)   The Hermosa Board of Trustees, in its capacity as the Planning and Zoning Commission act as a Board of Adjustment to make special exceptions or grant variances to the terms of the zoning regulations.
(Ord. passed 11-21-2023)
   (A)   All plans, plats or re-plats of subdivisions or re-subdivisions of land within the jurisdiction of this subchapter shall be submitted to the Hermosa Board of Trustees in its capacity as the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (B)   The Hermosa Board of Trustees, in its capacity as the Planning and Zoning Commission shall prepare regulations governing the subdivision of land within its jurisdiction. No amendments or changes thereto shall be made without the proposed changes being referred to the Hermosa Board of Trustees in its capacity as the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. passed 11-21-2023)
   (A)   The Hermosa Board of Trustees, in its capacity as the Planning and Zoning Commission, its members and employees, shall have all powers as may be necessary to enable it to fulfill and perform its functions and to carry out all the purposes and powers provided in SDCL §§ 11-4 and 11-6, and acts amendatory thereof.
   (B)   The Hermosa Board of Trustees, in its capacity as the Planning and Zoning Commission, its members and employees, shall have all powers as may be necessary to enable it to fulfill and perform its functions and to carry out all the purposes and powers provided in the Town of Hermosa Ordinances Chapter 151 (Flood Damage Prevention); Chapter 152 (House Numbering); Chapter 153 (Mobile Homes and Parks); Chapter 154 (Subdivision Regulations); and Chapter 155 (Zoning Code); and acts amendatory thereof.
   (C)   To the extent the term or phrase "Planning and Zoning Commission" appears in any other Town of Hermosa ordinances or chapters, such term shall be deemed to mean the Hermosa Board of Trustees in its capacity as the Planning and Zoning Commission as allowed under SDCL § 11-4-11.1.
(Ord. passed 11-21-2023)