General Provisions
154.01 Authority and jurisdiction
154.02 Definitions
154.03 Section line highways
154.04 Mobile home courts
154.05 Building and grading permits
154.06 Variances
154.07 Commercial remodeling
Procedure for the Subdivision of Land
154.20 General requirements
154.21 Platting procedure
154.22 Information required for preliminary plats
154.23 Content of preliminary plats
154.24 Content of final plats
Subdivision Design Standards
154.35 Conformity to this chapter
154.36 Street requirements
154.37 Names
154.38 Utility and drainage easements
154.39 Drainage plans
154.99 Penalty
Building Code, see Chapter 150
Commercial landscaping and buffers, see Chapter 92
House numbering, see Chapter 152
Mobile homes and parks, see Chapter 153