   (A)   General description. This district provides areas for government and public services.
   (B)   Permitted principal and accessory uses and structures. This shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   Government administration facilities;
      (2)   Government maintenance facilities;
      (3)   Government utilities;
      (4)   Public schools;
      (5)   Libraries, museums, and historical monuments or structures;
      (6)   Cemeteries; and
      (7)   Police station, fire station, and/or temporary holding facility, two cell maximum.
   (C)   Uses on review: jail and juvenile detention centers.
   (D)   Area regulations. The following requirements shall apply to all uses permitted in this district:
      (1)   Front yard: none.
      (2)   Side yard. No side yard is required, except that the width of a side yard which abuts a residential district shall be not less than 25 feet.
      (3)   Rear yard. Where a commercial building is to be serviced from the rear, there shall be provided an alleyway, service courts, rear yard, or combination thereof of not less than 35 feet in depth. The depth of a rear yard which abuts a residential district shall be not less than 25 feet. In all other cases, no rear yard is required.
      (4)   Maximum lot coverage. Main and accessory building shall cover not more than 75% of the lot area.
   (E)   Off-street parking. As regulated in § 155.59.
   (F)   Height regulations. As regulated in § 155.57.
   (G)   Lighting. To be reviewed.
(Ord. 10.6, passed 3-17-2009)
   (A)   General description. This district is to provide for residential development, with the principal uses of land being residential with the allowance of livestock, as defined and regulated in Chapter 90. The principal uses of land may range from residences and manufactured homes, to uses which are functionally compatible with intensive residential uses while allowing limited livestock to be maintained on the property. Recreational, religious, education facilities, and other related uses in keeping with the residential character of the district may be permitted on review by the governing body.
   (B)   Permitted principal and accessory uses and structures: as provided in § 155.32.
   (C)   Uses permitted on review: as provided in § 155.32.
   (D)   Area regulations: as provided in § 155.30.
   (E)   Height regulations: as provided in § 155.30.
   (F)   Off-street parking: as provided in § 155.59.
(Ord. 10.6R.A2, passed 2-17-2015)
   In order to accomplish the general purpose of this chapter, it is necessary to give special consideration to certain uses because they are unique in nature, require large land areas, are potentially incompatible with existing development, or because the effects of such uses cannot definitely be foreseen. The following uses shall be subject to compliance with the regulations in this section and with the procedure for authorizing uses permitted on review as set forth in § 155.89.
   (A)   Residential 2 (R2) manufactured home subdivision. The following property development standards shall apply for all manufactured home subdivisions and shall be zoned only as Residential 2.
      (1)   No parcel of land containing less than five acres may be used for a manufactured home subdivision.
      (2)   The manufactured home subdivision shall be subject to the yard, density, and set back provisions of the district in which it is located.
      (3)   Any manufactured home in the subdivision shall be situated on a permanent foundation and all elements contributing to its mobility (under-carriage, wheels, axles, and trailer hitch) shall be removed. All such homes shall be connected to public water and sewer systems.
      (4)   Any structure in a manufactured home subdivision shall comply with the yard, height, density, and parking regulations of the zoning district in which it is located.
      (5)   Low areas subject to any flooding must comply with FEMA regulations. This shall include anchoring and skirting.
      (6)   Public or community water and sanitary sewer service shall be provided to each manufactured home space before occupancy and shall be approved by the State Department of Environmental Protection.
      (7)   All required improvements and facilities shall be installed before occupancy of the manufactured home space.
   (B)   Travel parks. Travel parks shall be zoned only as Commercial (CO).
      (1)   Property development standards. The following property development standards shall apply for all travel parks established after adoption of this section.
         (a)   No parcel of land containing less than five acres may be used for the purpose permitted as a travel park.
         (b)   A travel park shall be subject to the following density requirements: there shall not be less than 1,500 square feet of lot area for each space provided in the travel park.
         (c)   The travel parks shall be located on a well-drained site properly graded to insure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water.
         (d)   Yards adjacent to public streets shall be a minimum of 25 feet in depth. Yards adjacent to property outside the travel park without an intervening street or other permanent open space shall be at least 75 feet in width, provided, however, that this open space requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 25 feet upon adequate fencing and vegetative screening to protect occupants of adjoining properties from adverse influences within the travel park. All yards shall be landscaped and maintained.
         (e)   Internal streets shall provide safe and convenient access to the spaces in appropriate travel park facilities. Alignment and grade shall be properly adapted to topography. Construction and maintenance shall provide a smooth, hard, dense, dust-proof, well-drained surface. Such roadway shall be of adequate width to accommodate anticipated traffic and shall meet the following minimum requirements:
            1.   Entrance and all two-way roads (no parking): 25 feet; and
            2.   One-way (no parking): 12 feet.
         (f)   Pedestrian walkways. Streets serving less than 25 spaces may be used as part of the pedestrian circulation system. Elsewhere, if the relation of space locations to facilities within the campground necessitates such, pedestrian ways shall be provided, preferably as part of a common open space system away from streets. Access for construction and maintenance shall provide a smooth, hard, dense, dust-proof and drained surface pedestrians entering or leaving a travel park shall be by safe and convenient routes. Such access need not be adjacent to or in the vicinity of vehicular access points. Where there are crossing of roads for pedestrians at the edge of the travel park, they shall be safely located, marked, and controlled where necessary. Adequate provisions shall be made for mutual visibility of drivers and persons crossing at such points.
         (g)   Common area. Not less than 10% of the area of the travel park shall be devoted to recreation area. Such recreation area may include space for common walkways and related landscaping in block interiors, provided that such common open space is at least 20 feet in width, as recreation space.
         (h)   Spaces shall be as located in relation to internal streets as to provide for convenient vehicular ingress and egress if the space is intended for use by wheeled units. Where back-in or back-out spaces are used, appropriate maneuvering room shall be provided in the adjacent internal street and within the space, and where there are obstacles within potential maneuvering areas which might not be seen by a driver, the limits of the safe area shall be indicated in a manner clearly visible to the driver, and ground blocks may be required to prevent backing into obstacles.
         (i)   That spaces be numbered to facilitate location by emergency vehicles.
         (j)   Where reasonably possible without excessive destruction of trees or other vegetation, particularly in campgrounds or portions of campgrounds intended for use by travel trailers, preference shall be given to a pull-through arrangement, so that no backing is necessary.
         (k)   Where spaces are to be used exclusively for erection of tents on the ground, it shall not be required to provide for vehicular access onto such spaces, but parking areas shall be provided within 100 feet thereof.
         (l)   No minimum dimensions are specified for spaces; but each shall provide a stand (unless used exclusively for erection of tents with no vehicles permitted) and the clearances and open spaces specified herein and the boundaries of each stand and space shall be clearly indicated.
         (m)   Stands shall be of such size and be so located and improved in the spaces as to provide for the type of units which are intended, vehicular access must be provided to the stand.
         (n)   If use is to be restricted to tents to be erected on the ground, the stand shall have a level surface suitable for erection of a tent, free of rocks, roots, or other impediments to the driving of pegs to the depth of at least eight inches, and graded and drained to prevent flow of surface water into or under tents erected on it. Stands for wheeled units shall provide a smooth hard, dense, well-drained, dust-free surface level or of a grade not to exceed 5%. Stands shall be so located that when used clearances from units including attached awnings and the like shall be as follows:
            1.   From units of adjoining stands, 15 feet;
            2.   From common walkways, internal streets, or parking areas, 15 feet; and
            3.   From portions of buildings containing uses which would be disturbing to stand occupants, 25 feet.
         (o)   Within each space there shall be provided a living area suitably located and improved for outdoor use by occupants of units not to be occupied by units or towing vehicle, such space to be at least ten feet minimum dimension and 200 square feet in area and so located as to be easily accessible from the entry side of units as normally parked and oriented on stands.
         (p)   Parking. No parking shall be permitted upon the internal streets of the travel park and vehicle parking space shall be provided within each space or where tent facilities are utilized within a common area.
         (q)   Electrical hook-ups. Each space with electrical hook-ups shall be equipped with one electrical hook-up, 120 volts, 30 ampere with ground on conduit support. All electrical lines shall be installed underground. Electric hook-ups must meet the standards of the National Fire Protection Association Code 501-D-1971, A119.4 1971 for recreation travel parks.
         (r)   Water connections. Each space with water connections shall include one water connection with three-quarter inch rise valve and three-quarter inch hose bib. All water installations shall conform to the State Plumbing Code and Uniform Building Code as amended. The water system shall be adequate to provide 15 pounds per square inch of pressure at all spaces.
         (s)   Sewer hook-ups. Sewer hook-ups shall be installed pursuant to the requirements of the State Plumbing Code and the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the city.
         (t)   Toilet, washroom, and bathing facilities. A travel park containing 100 spaces or less shall provide toilet, washrooms, and bathing facilities at the following minimum:
            1.   Men: four shower stalls, two water closets, three urinals, and four lavatories;
            2.   Women: four shower stalls, four water closets, and four lavatories; and
            3.   One additional toilet, lavatory, and shower stall shall be provided for each sex for every 25 additional spaces, and one additional men's urinal for every 50 additional spaces. All such facilities shall be constructed and installed pursuant to City Building and State Plumbing Codes.
         (u)   Dumping station. Each park shall include a sanitary dumping station to be located so as not to create a traffic hazard on the main or circulating roads, nor to be a health hazard to the occupants of the park. Such dumping station shall be constructed to meet the minimum requirements of the State Plumbing Code, Uniform Building Code, and other applicable ordinances and regulations and shall meet the approval of the Health Department.
         (v)   Fireplaces and the like. Where fireplaces, cooking shelters, or similar facilities for open fires or outdoor cooking are provided within spaces or elsewhere, they shall be so located, constructed, maintained, and used as to minimize fire hazards and smoke nuisance within the park and in adjoining areas.
      (2)   Permit required. No travel park shall be operated within the city without first obtaining a permit therefore.
         (a)   Travel parks will be allowed only with the approval of the Planning Commission and Common Council.
         (b)   Travel parks will be licensed annually and a fee will be charged.
         (c)   An application for a travel park permit shall be as regulated hereunder.
            1.   The application for a permit shall be filed with and issued by the Finance Officer upon approval of the Common Council.
            2.   Each application shall be accompanied by six copies of the plot plan drawn to scale and prepared by a licensed engineer or architect. Such copies shall be reviewed and approved by the Health Department, Planning Commission, and the Common Council. The application for a permit shall be accompanied by a minimum fee as per current fee schedule, for every ten spaces or fraction thereof over the minimum of 100 spaces. The following information shall be shown on the application:
               A.   Location and legal description of the proposed travel park;
               B.   Plans and specifications of all buildings, improvements, facilities, and spaces constructed or to be constructed within the travel park;
               C.   Proposed use of buildings and spaces shown on the site;
               D.   The location and size of all recreational vehicle spaces;
               E.   Location of all points of entry and exit for motor vehicles and internal circulation pattern;
               F.   The location of all landscaping to be provided;
               G.   The location of all lighting and standards thereof to be provided;
               H.   Location of all walls and fences indicating height and materials of construction;
               I.   Name and address of the applicant; and
               J.   Such other architectural and engineering data as may be required to permit the Planning Commission and Common Council to determine if the provisions of this section are being complied with.
            3.   Such permit may be issued prior to construction or completion thereof provided that a time schedule for development shall be prepared, which shall demonstrate the applicant's readiness and ability to provide the proposed services and all required improvements and facilities shall be installed within one year.
            4.   Permit fee. The permit fee for operating a travel park shall be as per the current fee schedule, per year, for the first ten trailer spaces and additional fees, per year, for each trailer space in excess of ten. Any travel park adding a trailer space during a permit year shall pay additional fees as stated in the current fee schedule, for each space so added, for the unexpired portion of the year.
   (C)   Other uses permitted on review.
      (1)   Cemetery.
         (a)   The site proposed for a cemetery shall not interfere with the development of a system of collector and larger streets in the vicinity of such site. In addition, such site shall have direct access to a thoroughfare.
         (b)   Any new cemetery shall be located on a site containing not less than 20 acres.
         (c)   All other structures including, but not limited to, mausoleum permanent monument or maintenance building, shall be set back not less than 25 feet from any property line or street right-of-way line.
         (d)   All graves or burial lots shall be set back not less than 25 feet form any property line or street right-of-way line.
         (e)   All required yards shall be landscaped and maintained.
      (2)   Public and private utilities and services. Where permitted, public and private utilities and services shall be subject to the following requirements.
         (a)   Health Department report. Application for permission to operate water works and/or sewage treatment plants shall be accompanied by a report and a recommendation from the Health Department. Such recommendations as to design and construction, type of treatment, source of water, standards for testing and sampling, and standards for the quality of effluent shall be incorporated into and made a part of the application.
         (b)   Lot area and location. The required lot area and location shall be specified as part of the application and shall be determined in relation to the proposed use, the intensity of such use, and the effects of such use upon the environment.
         (c)   Fencing and/or screening. Where findings indicate that a hazard may result or that interference with the development or use and enjoyment of surrounding residential properties may ensue, fencing or screening with an evergreen hedge or other shielding material may be required in a manner consistent with such findings.
         (d)   Public utilities service yards. Service yards shall be screened by a seven-foot obscuring fence, wall, or mass planting, or otherwise so located as not to be obnoxious to the orderly appearance of the district.
      (3)   Private day nurseries and kindergartens. The facilities, operation, and maintenance shall meet the requirements of the County and State Health Department.
      (4)   Automobile wrecking and junk yards. Automobile wrecking and junk yards may be located in area zoned General Industrial (GI) only.
         (a)   Location. No such operation shall be permitted closer than 300 feet from any established residential district.
         (b)   Screening. All outdoor storage of salvage and wrecking operations shall be conducted minimum height of eight feet. Storage between the street and such fence is expressly prohibited. Any fence or wall erected for screening purposes shall be within the buildable area of the lot and shall be properly painted or otherwise maintained in good condition.
         (c)   Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall be as regulated in § 155.59.
         (d)   Ingress and egress. The number of vehicular access driveways permitted on any single street frontage shall be limited to:
            1.   One driveway where the parcel to be used has a maximum street frontage at least 100 feet;
            2.   Two driveways where the street frontage exceeds 100 feet; and
            3.   Driveways used for ingress and egress shall be limited to 25 feet in width, exclusive of curb returns.
      (5)   Recreational fads. An application for a permit for recreational fads including trampoline centers, cart tracks, and similar recreational activities not specifically covered by these regulations, shall be reviewed by the governing body. Recreational fads may be located in areas zoned Commercial (CO) only.
      (6)   On-lot sewage disposal systems. Any use involving a principal structure which is not served by a sanitary sewer, in addition to other requirements, shall have an approved on-lot sewage disposal system approved by the County-State Department of Health and DENR. The approval may be made contingent upon an agreement that the structure will be connected to a sanitary sewer when plans indicate that such sewer will be extended or constructed and become available. The approval shall further stipulate an increase in lot size to assure appropriate septic field, drainage, and relation to abutting development or any classified stream.
(Ord. 10.6, passed 3-17-2009)
   (A)   The uses of land, buildings, and other structures permitted in each of the districts established by this chapter are designated by listing the principal uses permitted. In addition to such principal uses, this section shall regulate uses customarily incidental to any principal use permitted in the district.
   (B)   Permitted accessory structures. Accessory uses shall be permitted as specified above, and such accessory uses shall be applicable to the principal use and shall include, but not be limited to, the following.
      (1)   For dwellings:
         (a)   Shelter to house animal pets;
         (b)   Children's playhouse and playground equipment;
         (c)   Private greenhouse, vegetable, fruit, or flower garden, from which no products are sold or offered for sale;
         (d)   Private garage or carport;
         (e)   Private swimming pool and bath house; and
         (f)   Shed for the storage of maintenance or recreation equipment used on the premises.
      (2)   For church, chapel, temple, or synagogue:
         (a)   Parish house or residence for the clergyman of the congregation; and
         (b)   Religious education building.
      (3)   For educational institutions:
         (a)   Convent or lay teacher's quarters;
         (b)   Dormitories;
         (c)   Power or heating plants; and
         (d)   Stadiums, gymnasiums, field houses, game courts, or fields.
      (4)   For golf and country clubs:
         (a)   Dwelling for caretaker;
         (b)   Maintenance equipment storage shed;
         (c)   Pro shop; and
         (d)   Lounge and dining area.
      (5)   For hospitals and health institutions:
         (a)   Staff quarters;
         (b)   Laundry, incidental to the principal use only;
         (c)   Medical and nursing instruction; and
         (d)   Chapel.
      (6)   For industrial uses in the industrial districts:
         (a)   Offices;
         (b)   Restaurants or cafeterias;
         (c)   First aid clinics or dispensaries;
         (d)   Watchman's quarters; and
         (e)   Research or pilot structures.
(Ord. 10.6, passed 3-17-2009)
   The following requirements are intended to provide exceptions or qualify and supplement, as the case may be, the specific district regulations set forth in §§ 155.30 through 155.39.
   (A)   In measuring heights, a habitable basement or attic shall be counted as a half story.
   (B)   The following structures or parts thereof are hereby exempt from the height limitations set forth in the zone districts:
      (1)   Agricultural buildings: barns, silos, windmills; but not including dwellings;
      (2)   Chimneys, smokestacks, penthouses, spires, flagpoles, ventilators, skylights, derricks, conveyors, and cooling towers;
      (3)   Radio and television antennas and towers, observation towers, and power transmission towers;
      (4)   Water tanks and standpipes; and
      (5)   Other similar and necessary mechanical appurtenances pertaining to and necessary to the permitted uses of the districts in which they are located, provided that they are not used for human occupancy.
   (C)   Churches, schools, hospitals, sanitariums, and other public and semi-public buildings may exceed the height limitations of the zoning district provided the front, side, and rear yards required in the district are increased one foot for each two feet by which the height of such public or semi-public structure exceeds the prescribed height limit.
(Ord. 10.6, passed 3-17-2009)
   The following requirements are intended to provide exceptions or qualify and supplement, as the case may be, the specific district regulations set forth in §§ 155.30 through 155.39.
   (A)   The following regulations provide for the maximum safety of persons using sidewalks and streets, and for the maximum enjoyment of the use of property.
      (1)   Except in districts allowing the construction of buildings or structures to the property line, there shall be provided an unobstructed view across the triangle formed by joining points measured 20 feet along the property line from the intersection of two streets or 15 feet along both the street and alley line from the intersection of a street an alley. Within said triangle there shall be no sight obscuring or partly obscuring walls, fence, or foliage higher than 30 inches above grade, or in the case of trees, foliage lower than eight feet. Vertical measurement shall be made at the top of the curb on the street or alley adjacent to the nearest side of the triangle or if no curb exists, from the edge of the nearest traveled way. This provision does not apply to chain link fences, on which no obstructions are attached thereto.
      (2)   In any required front yard, except as provided in division (A)(1) above, no fence, wall, hedge, or yard ornament shall be permitted which materially impedes vision across such yard above the height of five feet. This does not include single ornamental bushes and shrubs.
      (3)   Trimming of trees required - city trimming at owner's expense. The occupant of any private premises or the owner of the same if not occupied, abutting on any public street, road, or alley within the town shall keep all trees standing upon such premises or between the same and the center of the adjoining street, road or alley so trimmed that no bough or branch thereof shall be lower than 12 feet above the surface of the street, road, or alley, or eight feet above the surface of any sidewalk thereon, and shall keep all such trees trimmed so that no trunk, limb, or branch thereof shall be in any way or at any time interfere with the movement of delivery, maintenance, garbage disposal, and emergency service vehicles, or come in contact with any street lighting, power, or other electrically charged wire when such wires are lawfully strung on posts located on any public street, road, or alley, or between the lot lines and curb of any street. Said occupants or owners shall remove all dead, diseased, or dangerous trees, or broken or decayed limbs, which constitute a menace to the safety of the public, and shall trim any tree or shrub which interferes with visibility of any traffic control device or signs; provided that upon the failure of any occupant or owner to trim such trees as in this section provided, the Director of Streets and Public Property of the town shall have the authority to remove them or cause them to be removed under his or her supervision, whether such trees be growing on privately owned property or on public property. The Director may cause the same to be trimmed and the expense charged to the occupant or owner of such property.
   (B)   The purpose here is to clarify certain conditions pertaining to the use of lots and access points:
      (1)   Dwellings on small lots. Where there are existing recorded lots which do not meet the minimum lot area requirement and are under separate ownership, single-family dwellings may be constructed as long as a side yard shall be not less than four feet and the arm of the side yards shall be not less than 12 feet, and as long as all other requirements, except lot size, are met.
      (2)   Principal uses without building. Where a permitted use of land involves no structures, such use, excluding agricultural uses, shall nonetheless comply with all yards and minimum lot area requirements applicable to the district in which located, as well as obtain any other license or permit applicable to that particular use.
      (3)   No dwelling shall be erected on a lot which does not abut on at least one street for at least 25 feet. A street shall form the direct and primary means of ingress and egress for all dwelling units. Alleys, where they exist, shall form only a secondary means of ingress and egress.
(Ord. 10.6, passed 3-17-2009; Ord. passed 1-8-2019)
   (A)   Off-street parking. In all districts, except the Commercial District, there shall be provided at any time any building or structure is erected or enlarged or increased in capacity, off-street parking space for automobiles in accordance with the following requirements.
      (1)   Off-street parking for other than residential use shall be either on the same lot or within 200 feet of the building it is intended to serve, measured from the nearest point of the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot, without crossing any major thoroughfare; provided however, churches may establish joint parking facilities not to exceed 50% of the required spaces, with institutions and agencies that do not have a time conflict in parking demand. The joint parking facilities shall be located no further than 400 feet from the church sanctuary.
      (2)   Residential off-street parking space shall consist of parking lot, driveway, garage, or combination thereof, and shall be located on the lot they are intended to serve.
      (3)   For uses not specifically mentioned herein, off-street parking requirements shall be interpreted by the governing body.
      (4)   Any area once designated as required off-street parking shall not be changed to any other use unless and until facilities are provided elsewhere.
      (5)   Off-street parking existing at the effective date of these regulations in connection with the operation of an existing building or use shall not be reduced to an amount less than hereinafter required for a similar new building or use.
      (6)   Two or more buildings or uses may collectively provide the required off-street parking, in which case the required number of parking spaces shall be not less than the sum of the requirements for the several individual uses computed separately.
      (7)   The required off-street parking shall be for occupants, employees, visitors, and patrons, and shall be limited in use to motor vehicles. The storage of merchandise, motor vehicles for sale, or the repair of vehicles on such parking area is prohibited.
      (8)   Every company car, truck, tractor, and trailer normally stored at the plant site shall be provided with off-street parking space in an area reserved for the use as determined by the governing body.
      (9)   In the case of dual functioning of off-street parking where operating hours do not overlap, the governing body may grant an exception.
      (10)   The minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be determined in accordance with division (B).
   (B)   Parking spaces required.
Table of Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Table of Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Automobile wrecking, junk, or salvage
1 space for each 2 employees, plus 1 yard which offers for sale to the public 1 space for each 10,000 square feet new or used merchandise of lot area, or 2 spaces for each 100 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater
Banks, business or professional offices
1 per 300 square feet of usable floor area, plus 1 per each 1.5 employees
Barber shops or beauty parlors
2 per barber or beauty shop chair
Boarding or rooming houses
1 space for each 3 boarders, 1 accommodation for each 2 guests provided overnight
Bowling alleys
5 per alley
1 per 4 seats; or 1 per 30 square feet of usable floor area of auditorium, whichever is greater
Commercial or trade schools
1 per 3 students plus 2 per 3 employees
Country clubs
1 per 5 members
Dormitories, fraternity or sorority
1 per each 3 permanent residents
Dwellings (multiple-family)
2 spaces per dwelling unit for the first 20 units, plus 1 space for each dwelling unit exceeding 20 units
Dwellings (single-family)
2 per dwelling
Establishments for sale and consumption on the premises of beverages, food, or refreshments
1 per 3 employees plus 1 per 100 square feet of usable floor space, or 1 per 3 fixed seats, whichever is greater
Gasoline service stations
1 parking space for each employee, plus 2 spaces for each service bay
Governmental office buildings
1 per 300 square feet of usable floor area, plus 1 per each 3 employees. Every governmental vehicle shall be provided with a reserved off- street parking space
Homes for the aged, sanitariums, nursing homes
1 space for each 4 patient beds, plus convalescent or 1 space for each staff doctor, plus 1 space for each 2 employees, including nurses
1 per 3 patient beds, exclusive of bassinets, plus 1 space for each 2 employees including nurses on the maximum working shift, plus adequate area for parking emergency vehicles
1 per 2 rooms or suites, plus 2 per 3 employees
Industrial establishments
1.5 per 3 employees on the combined 2 largest successive shifts, plus adequate parking spaces for customer and visitor vehicles as determined by the governing body
1 for each 400 square feet of floor space
Medical clinics
3 patient parking spaces per staff doctor, plus 2 per 3 employees
Mortuaries or funeral parlors
5 spaces per parlor or chapel unit, or 1 per 4 seats, whichever is greater
Motels and tourist courts
1 per guest bedroom
Private clubs, lodges, or union headquarters
1 per 3 members based on the design capacity of the facility
Retail stores, supermarkets, department service establishments, except as otherwise specified herein
1 per 100 square feet of retail floor space
   Elementary, junior high, and the equivalent private or parochial schools
2 spaces per 3 teachers and employees, and employees normally engaged in or about the building or grounds; plus 1 space for each 150 square feet of seating area including aisles, in any auditorium
   Senior high schools and the equivalent private or parochial schools
2 spaces per 3 teachers and employees normally engaged in or about the building or grounds; plus 1 space per 5 students, or 1 space for each 150 square feet of seating area, including aisles, in any auditorium, gymnasium, or cafeteria intended to be used as an auditorium, whichever is greater
   Kindergartens, day schools, and the equivalent private or parochial schools
2 parking spaces per 3 teachers and employees normally engaged in or about the building or grounds, plus 1 off-street loading space per 8 pupils
Shopping centers
There shall be a ratio of 4 square feet of parking (including driveways required for ingress and egress and circulation) to each 1 square foot of store area
Stadiums and sports
1 per 4 seats or 12 feet of benches
Swimming pools
1 per 30 square feet of water area
Theaters, auditoriums, and places of assembly with fixed seats
1 per 3 seats
Theaters, auditoriums. and places of assembly without fixed seats
1 per 3 people based on the design capacity of the structure
Wholesale establishments
1 for every 50 square feet of business service or customer service area, plus 2 per 3 employees based on the design capacity of the largest shift
   (C)   Off-street parking lot layout, construction, and maintenance. Wherever the required off-street parking requires the building of a parking lot, and wherever a parking lot is built, such parking lot shall be laid out, constructed, and maintained in accordance with the following regulations.
      (1)   Except for parcels of land devoted to one and two family uses, all areas devoted to off-street parking shall be so designed and be of such size that no vehicle is required to back into a public street to obtain egress.
      (2)   Each parking space shall be not less than 200 square feet in area and shall be a definitely designated stall adequate for one motor vehicle.
      (3)   In any determination of parking requirements as set forth in this section, where the resultant figure contains a fraction, any fraction less than one-half may be dropped and any fraction of one-half or more shall be counted as one parking space.
      (4)   All areas devoted to permanent off-street parking as required under this section shall be of such construction and maintained in such a manner that no dust will result from continuous use.
      (5)   The parking lot shall be drained to eliminate surface water.
      (6)   Where the parking lot abuts side lot lines of a residential district, there shall be established a setback of five feet from such side lot line unless vehicles are restrained by physical barrier from entering contagious residential lots.
      (7)   Where the parking lot is contiguous to a residential district which has common frontage in the same block with the parking lot, there shall be established a setback line of ten feet from the street lot line. See § 155.58 for further information.
      (8)   Where the parking lot lies across the street and opposite a residential district, wherein the lots front on such street, there shall be established a setback line ten feet from the street lot line. See § 155.58 for further information.
      (9)   Where the parking lot abuts rear property lines of a residential district, there shall be established a setback line five feet from the rear lot line unless vehicles are restrained by physical barrier from entering contiguous residential lots.
      (10)   Where parking is to be provided in the front yard of a multiple family dwelling, there shall be established a setback line ten feet from the street lot line. The land between the setback line and the lot line in a parking lot is, for the purpose of this chapter, called a buffer strip. The ground in the front buffer strip shall be prepared and shall be planted with trees, shrubs, and grass.
      (11)   Plans for the layout of a parking lot must be approved by the governing body based on design standards approved by the Institute of Traffic Engineers.
      (12)   The governing body shall have the authority to approve off-street parking in any district which is more restrictive than that required for the major land use it is intended to serve subject to the preceding conditions. The following conditions shall also apply:
         (a)   The parking lot shall not have access from the more restrictive districts;
         (b)   All sides of the lot, except those openings for ingress and egress, shall be enclosed with an opaque ornamental fence, wall, or dense evergreen hedge, having a height of not less than five feet nor more than six feet. Such fence, wall, or hedge shall be maintained in good condition. Bumper stops shall be provided so as to prevent any vehicle from projecting over the buffer strip;
         (c)   The intensity of light and arrangement of reflectors shall be such as not to interfere with residential districts; and
         (d)   No sign of any kind shall be erected except information signs used to guide traffic and to state the conditions and terms of the use of the lot. Only non-intermittent white lighting of signs shall be permitted.
   (D)   Ingress and egress. The number of vehicular access driveways permitted on any single street frontage shall be limited to:
      (1)   One driveway where the parcel to be used has a maximum street frontage of at least 100 feet;
      (2)   Two driveways where the street frontage exceeds 100 feet upon application approval; and
      (3)   Driveways used for ingress and egress shall be limited to 25 feet in width, exclusive of curb returns.
(Ord. 10.6, passed 3-17-2009; Ord. passed 5-22-2019)