(A) Definition of mobile homes. A movable living unit designed for year-round occupancy which: is capable of being towed on its own chassis; is completely finished prior to delivery; and has a manufacturer’s serial number which may be reported to the County Director of Equalization for tangible personal property taxation differentiating it from other types of dwelling structures, as may be required by SDCL § 10-4-2.4. A detachable hitch assembly and/or a perimeter frame or the placement of the unit upon a permanent foundation shall not be construed as creating a dwelling unit as described in the Uniform Building Code.
(B) Single-wide mobile homes. Single-wide mobile homes shall be located on R-2 lots.
(C) Requirements. The following property standards shall apply for all mobile homes whether or not located in mobile home parks:
(1) All mobile homes shall be set back from street right-of-way lines and lot lines to comply with the following requirements:
(a) Minimum depth of front yard shall be 20 feet and backyard shall be 15 feet. In no case shall an accessory building be located to extend into the front yard;
(b) Each side yard shall not be less than ten feet in width; and
(c) Unattached buildings of accessory use shall not be located closer than five feet to any rear lot line and there shall be a side yard of not less than ten feet.
(2) No mobile home shall be placed within the town limits that was manufactured more than 20 years before the date of application.
(3) For each mobile home there shall be a lot area of not less than 6,500 square feet for single wide mobile homes, and 7,500 square feet for double wide mobile homes and 8,500 square feet for triple wide mobile homes.
(4) Mobile homes shall be properly blocked and skirted with a durable, secure material that conforms with Fire Code in a pleasing and attractive manner within 60 days of placement on the lot.
(5) Mobile homes shall be anchored in accordance with state law or insurance industry standards, whichever provides the more stringent controls, within 60 days of placement on the lot.
(6) All yard areas and open spaces shall be landscaped and maintained in a neat condition.
(7) Lots having frontage on more than one street shall provide the required front yard/setbacks along each street.
(8) All mobile homes shall be connected to public water and sewer systems and comply with the Uniform Plumbing Code. Each individual water connection shall be metered in accordance with standards adopted by the town.
(9) Mobile homes shall be electrically grounded in conformance to code requirements.
(D) Permit required. No mobile home may be placed or replaced on a lot without a moving/building permit, approved by both the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Trustees and issued by the Finance Officer, and shall comply with the following.
(1) Any property having been previously occupied by a mobile home within the last one year next preceding the application can be used by the owner thereof for the parking of a mobile home without obtaining written permission from the adjoining landowners.
(2) Size and dimension of the mobile home shall be so stated and shall be accompanied by a site plan to include accessory structure(s) and off-street parking plans.
(3) All provisions of this section shall be met within 120 days of placement unless sooner required by a specific provision.
(E) Violation. It shall be unlawful to use any land in violation of any regulation in this chapter.
(Ord. 10.019B, passed 5-4-2004; Ord. 10.019C, passed 8-16-2011; Ord. passed 12-20-2022) Penalty, see § 153.99
(A) Property development standards. The following property development standards shall apply to all new mobile home parks or any additions to existing mobile home parks unless otherwise stated.
(1) For all new mobile home parks, no parcel of land containing less than two mobile home spaces on one lot, available at the time of first occupancy, may be used as a mobile home park.
(2) The mobile home park or additions to existing parks shall be located on a well-drained site, properly graded to ensure rapid drainage free from stagnant pools of water. Mobile homes shall be situated above the regulatory flood protection elevation in accordance with accepted floodplain construction practices and standards. The developer shall provide an engineered drainage study or plan to be approved by the Town Engineer.
(3) Yards:
(a) Each mobile home lot shall have a rear yard of not less than 15 feet and a side yard on both sides of the parcel devoted to the use of not less than eight feet; and
(b) Where a side or rear yard abuts a street, the yard shall not be less than 20 feet and all yards shall be landscaped and maintained. All dirt surfaces shall be covered with grass or other landscape material so as to limit airborne dust.
(4) Each mobile home park shall be permitted to display on each street frontage, one identifying sign of a maximum size of nine square feet. The sign shall contain thereon only the name and address of the mobile home park and may be lighted by indirect lighting only.
(5) The Town Board may issue a permit applied for under this subchapter upon compliance by the applicant with the provisions of this chapter and regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter.
(B) Sufficient size. Each mobile home park shall be of sufficient size that in addition to the mobile home spaces, the following areas shall be provided:
(1) Greenway or recreation areas of no less than 500 square feet for each unit lot or one acre for the entire park, whichever is less. The area shall be contiguous and may be located anywhere within the park;
(2) There shall be a front yard setback of 20 feet from all access roads within the mobile home park; and
(3) There shall be at least two paved or graveled street parking spaces for each mobile home space, which shall be on the same site as the mobile home served, and may be located in the front, rear or side yard of the mobile home space.
(C) General provisions. The following provisions shall apply to all new mobile home parks or mobile home park additions.
(1) There shall be established and maintained within each park an automobile parking area for the use of guests. The number of spaces within this area shall be equal to one for every four trailer sites.
(2) Access roads within a mobile home park, shall be paved or graveled to a width of not less than 24 feet. Where access roads are paved to a width of 41 feet or more, the required guest parking area shall be waived.
(3) Mobile home spaces may abut upon a driveway of not less than 20 feet in width, which shall have unobstructed access to the access road within the mobile home park. Vehicular access shall be provided from a public street and all dead-end driveways shall include adequate emergency vehicle turning space.
(4) Each mobile home space shall be provided with a metered water service and a connection to the public sanitary sewer system.
(5) Each mobile home park shall have an on-site manager and each park shall provide the service buildings as are necessary to provide facilities for storage space for supplies, maintenance materials and equipment.
(6) Cabanas, decks, porches and other similar structures shall be subject to building permit regulations.
(7) Mobile homes shall not be used for commercial, industrial or other nonresidential uses within mobile home parks.
(8) Mobile homes shall be electrically grounded, blocked, anchored and skirted in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances.
(9) Each mobile home shall be placed on a pad. A minimum depth of six inches of 95 compacted ratio gravel or other suitable pavement material or concrete shall be installed for each space. The size shall be suitable for the size of mobile home, allowing for appropriate setbacks.
(10) Fire protection within the mobile home park shall be as follows.
(a) Mobile home parks shall be kept free of litter, rubbish and any flammable materials. The same must be stored in a safe and reasonable manner consistent with all town ordinance and fire codes.
(b) Portable fire extinguishers of a type approved by the State Fire Marshal shall be kept in the service buildings and in all other park locations as named by the Chief of the Fire Department, and shall be maintained in good operating condition.
(c) Fire hydrants shall be located within 400 feet of each mobile home.
(d) All trash burners or other open fires are prohibited.
(e) Trash service shall be provided by each mobile home park.
(D) Application for permit. An application for a new mobile home park annual permit shall be regulated hereunder and as in the town-adopted Building Code.
(1) Three copies of the plot plan, drawn to scale shall accompany each application. The copies shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Trustees.
(2) The application for annual permit shall be in an amount set by the Board of Trustees, as per the current fee schedule for the first lot and an amount set by the Board of Trustees, as per the current fee schedule for each additional lot thereafter and shall be filed with and issued by the Finance Officer.
(3) The following information shall be shown:
(a) The location and legal description of the proposed mobile home park;
(b) Plans and specifications of all buildings, improvements and facilities constructed or to be constructed within the mobile home park;
(c) The proposed use of buildings shown on site;
(d) The location and size of all mobile home spaces;
(e) The location of all points of entry and exit for motor vehicles and internal circulation;
(f) The location of all lighting standards to be provided;
(g) The location of all walls and fences and the indication of their height and the materials of their construction;
(h) The name, address and phone number of the applicant;
(i) Other architectural and engineering data as may be required to permit the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Trustees to determine if the provisions of this chapter are being complied with; and
(j) A time schedule for development shall be prepared, which shall demonstrate the applicant’s readiness and ability to provide the proposed services and all required improvements, completed within one year.
(E) Annual permit.
(1) A non-transferable annual mobile home permit shall be required for each mobile home park within the town limits.
(2) The annual cost of the permit shall be as follows:
(a) First mobile home lot: $100;
(b) Each additional mobile home lot: $20 occupied or unoccupied; and
(c) Any mobile home park adding spaces during the permit year shall pay the sum of $20 per additional lot within 30 days of final construction of each lot.
(3) Annual fees shall be due and payable by January 31 for the year of the permit.
(4) Penalty for late payment or non-payment shall accrue at the rate of $50 per day for each day in arrears.
(5) Failure to pay fees as set forth herein or any other violation of town ordinance may result in the revocation of the mobile home operating permit. The revocation shall not occur without 30-day notice for the owner to meet compliance.
(Ord. 10.019B, passed 5-4-2004)
Any person, firm, association or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with, or resists the enforcement of, any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of $100 together in addition to the cost of the enforcement action, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney fees, expert fees and inspector fees. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. Compliance therewith may also be enforced by injunctive order at the suit of the petitioner or the owner of real estate within the district affected by the regulation of this chapter.
(Ord. 10.019B, passed 5-4-2004)