9-1-1: Building Code; Fire Zones
9-1-2: Zoning Permits for Building Construction
9-1-3: Supply and Pressure and Relief Valves; Plumbing Code Compliance
   A.   Fire Zone 2; Compliance with Oregon Uniform Building Code: All areas of the incorporated City currently zoned commercial or industrial under the Heppner Zoning Ordinance 1 and its accompanying Zoning Map and all amendments thereto are hereby zoned Fire Zone 2 as designated by the Oregon Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, or such later edition as the Oregon State Department of Commerce may designate as the official Building Code for the State of Oregon.
   B.   Fire Zone 3; Compliance with Oregon Uniform Building Code: All other areas of Heppner are zoned Fire Zone 3 as designated by the Oregon Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, or such later edition as the Oregon State Department shall designate as the official Building Code for the State.
   C.   Structure Requirements: All structures built in the City shall meet the requirements of the Building Code for Fire Zones 2 and 3. (Ord. 425, 11-6-78)



1. See Title 11 of this Code.
   A.   Application for Zoning Permit: No person shall construct any building or structure or any addition or additions thereto within the corporate limits of the City or repair, alter or remodel the same when such construction, addition, repair, alteration or remodeling will require a building permit issued by the State, unless such person shall, before starting such construction, addition, repair, alteration or remodeling, file with the City Manager, as hereinafter set forth, an application for a zoning permit, which application shall be in writing, signed by the applicant or his duly authorized agent, and shall set forth:
      1.   The name of the applicant and his address;
      2.   The legal description and address of the property;
      3.   A brief description of the project;
      4.   Setbacks, lot area and width of the lot at the building line;
      5.   Whether or not a conditional use or variance is required;
      6.   Use of the building or structure;
      7.   Fee requirements;
      8.   Utilities to be connected;
      9.   Whether or not the building or structure is located in the flood hazard area;
      10.   A plot plan indicating:
         a.   Property dimensions.
         b.   Setbacks and width of lot at building line.
         c.   Scale and north arrow.
         d.   Existing and proposed roads and driveways.
         e.   Existing and proposed building or structure.
      11.   Signature of the applicant certifying the information in the application is correct.
   B.   Issuance of Zoning Permit: The zoning permit shall be issued by the City Manager after the City conducts an appropriate investigation and determines the applicant to be in compliance with the City Zoning Ordinance 1 . The applicant shall, at the City's request, supply the City with a survey of the property by a State certified surveyor, whenever the City Manager cannot accurately establish lot boundaries.
   C.   Permit Fee: Fee for permit issuance shall be twenty dollars ($20.00).
   D.   Referral to Planning Commission: Any construction, addition, repair, alteration or remodeling requiring a conditional use or variance shall be referred to the Planning Commission for appropriate action before the Manager shall issue a zoning permit.
   E.   Expiration Date: The zoning permit shall expire six (6) months from the date of its issuance.
   F.   Issuance of Citation and Complaint: If any violation of this Section occurs, the offense shall be considered an infraction as defined in Section 1-4-1 of this Code.
   G.   Schedule of Forfeiture: A person found in violation of this Section shall be assessed a Class D infraction pursuant to Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (Ord. 421, 8-7-78; 1995 Code)



1. See Title 11 of this Code.