(A)   Required. It shall be the duty of any person doing any type of constructing or excavating work upon or adjacent to any street, alley, sidewalk or public ground in the town to maintain substantial guardrails and barriers around such work or excavation in such street, alley or walk. Similar barriers shall be placed around any materials or equipment with which contact would be dangerous to pedestrians, animals or vehicles. It shall be the duty of all such persons to display and maintain lighted lanterns with red globes, lights or lighted signal flares from sundown to sunup during the time such work, excavation, or obstruction exists. Such lanterns, flares, or lights shall be of a type approved by the Town Administrator, and be placed on or sufficiently near such place in a number and manner sufficient to warn the traveling public from any direction; and if such obstruction is more than ten feet long, one of such danger signals shall be placed at each end and additional ones placed along such obstruction not more than 20 feet apart. It is an offense for any person to fail to provide such safeguards, and each day of such omission constitutes a separate offense.
   (B)   Removal. It is unlawful for any person to remove or destroy any barrier or danger signal placed or erected under the provisions of division (A) of this section, unless such act is done at the direction of the person in charge of such work or the Town Administrator.
(Prior Code, § 7-1B-6) Penalty, see § 151.99
   Removal of barricades, see § 134.07