§ 131.01 VAGRANTS.
   (A)   Defined. The following persons are VAGRANTS within the meaning of this section:
      (1)   Idle persons. An idle person who lives without any means, or who has no visible means of support and makes no exertion to obtain a livelihood by honest employment;
      (2)   No habitation or business. Any person who strolls or loiters idly about the streets of the town, having no local habitation and no honest business or employment;
      (3)   Fortune telling; tricks. Any person who strolls about to tell fortunes or to exhibit tricks not licensed in accordance with law or ordinance;
      (4)   Prostitute; houses of ill fame. Any prostitute, any manager or controller of a house of prostitution or ill fame, or anyone employed therein as a barkeeper, caller of figures for dances or habitual frequenter thereof;
      (5)   Gamblers. Any professional gambler or gambler commonly known as a tinhorn gambler, card player, or card sharp;
      (6)   Beggars. Any person who goes about to beg alms, who is not afflicted or disabled by a physical malady or misfortune;
      (7)   Drunkards. Any habitual drunkard; and
      (8)   Failure to support family. Any person who abandons or neglects or refuses to support his or her family.
   (B)   Prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to be a vagrant, and any person who is a vagrant shall be punished as provided in § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 5-6A-1) Penalty, see § 130.99