As required in part by State law (765 ILCS 205/2), and by the Counties of Monroe and St. Clair and Village, the following certificates shall be executed on all Final Plats:
   (A)   Owners Certificate.
We, [insert names of owners], the Owners of [insert legal description], have caused the said tract to be surveyed and subdivided in the manner shown, and said subdivision is to be hereinafter known as [insert subdivision name]. All rights-of-way and easements shown herein are hereby dedicated to the use at the public forever.
Dated this [date] day of [month], [year].
                   [owner signature]                     (SEAL)
                   [owner signature]                     (SEAL)
   (B)   Notary Public Certificate.
State of Illinois             )
               ) ss.
Counties of Monroe and St. Clair      )
I, [insert notary name], a Notary Public in and for the County aforesaid, do hereby certify that [insert names of owners], are personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and that they appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth.
Given under my hand and Notarial Seal this [date] day of [month], [year].
                     [notary signature]               
   (C)   Surveyor's Certificate.
I, [insert surveyor's name], a Professional Land Surveyor registered in the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that this plat is a correct representation of a survey made under my direct supervision at the request of [insert names of owners] for the purpose of subdividing the tract into lots as shown.
               [surveyor's signature]                (SEAL) Illinois Land Surveyor
Registration Number
   (D)   County Clerk's Certificate.
I, [insert County Clerk's name], County Clerk of Monroe and St. Clair Counties, Illinois, do hereby certify that I find no unpaid or forfeited taxes against any of the real estate included within this plat.
          [County Clerk's signature]              (SEAL)
County Clerk
   (E)   911 Coordinator’s Certificate.
I, the undersigned, 911 Coordinator of Monroe and St. Clair Counties, Illinois, do hereby approve this plat as to street names and addresses.
             [911 Coordinator's signature]               (SEAL)
911 Coordinator
Monroe and St. Clair County, Illinois
   (F)   Mapping and Platting Approval.
Approved by Mapping and Platting this [date] day of [month], [year].
   (G)   Certificate of Village Board.
I, [insert President's name] President of the Village of Hecker, do hereby certify that the plat shown herein was duly presented to the Village Board, and approved at a meeting of same held on           [date]
             [President's signature]         
             [Village Clerk's signature]             (SEAL)
Village Clerk
   (H)   Flood Hazard Certificate.
We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that [no part of this plat to be recorded] [part of this plat to be recorded, as illustrated,] is situated within a Special Flood Hazard Area as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
By:               [owner signature]      
By:               [owner signature]      
By:               [surveyor's signature]       (SEAL)
   Illinois Land Surveyor
Registration Number
   (I)   Surface Water Drainage Certificate.
We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief, the drainage of surface waters will not be changed by the construction of this subdivision or any part thereof, or if such surface water drainage will be changed, reasonable provisions have been made for the collection and diversion of said surface waters into public areas or drainage facilities which the subdivision has a right to use, and that management of said surface waters has been planned for in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices so as to reduce the likelihood of damage to any adjoining property as a result of construction of this subdivision.
By:              [Owner’s signature]       
By:              [Owner’s signature]       
By:              [Engineer’s signature]        (SEAL)
   Illinois Professional Engineer
Registration Number
   (J)   Undermining Certificate.
We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we have reviewed the Mined Out Coal Area Map No.                available from the Illinois State Geological Survey in Urbana, Illinois, and that it appears [part] [none] of the subdivided property shown hereon lies within a mined-out area.
By:             [surveyor's signature]             (SEAL)
   Illinois Professional Land Surveyor
Registration Number             Date
   (K)   Illinois Department of Transportation Certification. (For those subdivisions that provide access to a State Highway, the following certificate shall also be required and executed on the Final Plat).
This plat has been approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation with respect to roadway access pursuant to 765 ILCS 205/2. However, if a highway permit for access is required by the owner of the property, a plan that meets the requirements contained in the Department's "Policy On Permits For Access Driveways To State Highways" will be required by the Department.
By:             [District Engineer’s signature]          
   District Engineer
   (L)      Local Highway Department Certification. (For those subdivisions that provide access to a County or Township highway, the following certification shall also be required and executed on the final plat.)
This plat has been approved by the [insert name of jurisdiction] with respect to roadway access pursuant to 765 ILCS 205/2.
[typed name of official]