   No improvements shall be constructed by the Subdivider/Developer until all required Improvement Plans and applicable permit forms have been received by the Village, reviewed, found acceptable as submitted, and approved in writing.
   (A)   Should plans not be found acceptable, written approval may be issued based upon a requirement that corrections set forth by the Village are made, incorporated into the plans by the developer's engineer, and three (3) sets of said plans are resubmitted to the Village for review and certification.
   (B)   Approval is also contingent upon the Village receiving copies of IEPA Water and Sewer Permits and IDOT Entrance and Right-of-Way Permits, all indicating approval by those agencies.
   (A)   The Village shall not be obligated to accept ownership and/or maintenance of any proposed improvements unless said improvements have been inspected during construction and accepted by the Village.
   (B)   Following submittal and acceptance of the improvement plans, the Subdivider/Developer shall call a Pre-Construction Meeting at the job site with the Village Engineer, the Subdivider/Developer, his engineer, representatives of the utilities involved, and the contractor(s) in attendance.
   (C)   During the course of construction, the Subdivider/Developer, or his duly authorized representative, shall notify the Building Department at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance, of the need for the following inspections, which shall be considered the minimum requirement:
      (1)   Required Earthwork Inspections:
         (a)   Subsequent to stripping and clearing but prior to excavating or placing fill material;
         (b)   Upon completion of rough grading;
         (c)   Prior to fine sub-grading;
         (d)   At the time compaction density tests are performed on sub- grade (reviewed by Building Inspector or Village Engineer); and
         (e)   Upon completion of final grading.
      (2)   Required Pavement Inspections:
         (a)   Immediately prior to placement of curbs and/or gutters;
         (b)   Subsequent to fine sub-grading and prior to placement of the lower pavement course;
         (c)   Prior to placement of each succeeding course of pavement, (base, surface, etc.)
      (3)   Required Drainage Inspections:
         (a)   Prior to placement of storm sewer backfill;
         (b)   Prior to construction of gutter outlets into catch basins.
      (4)   Required Sewer and Water Inspections:
         (a)   Prior to backfilling the connection to the existing main;
         (b)   Daily during the construction of sanitary sewers and water mains if the latter are installed by the Subdivider/Developer's contractor.
   (D)   The Village Engineer or a designated Village employee shall inspect said improvements while they are under construction, and at the milestones indicated herein.
      (1)   If said inspections determine that improvements are being built in violation of this Chapter or the approved plans, the inspector shall promptly notify the Code Administrator who, in turn, shall issue a stop work order.
      (2)   Proceeding in violation of a stop work order is a violation of this Chapter.
   (E)   The Village Engineer and/or Code Administrator and accompanied by the Subdivider/Developer or his engineer, shall also inspect improvements upon their completion.
      (1)   The Village shall not accept any completed improvements until the Village Engineer has verified to the best of his ability that each complies with the provisions of this Chapter.
      (2)   The Subdivider/Developer shall be notified in writing of all improvements which are not acceptable and shall thereafter correct or replace said improvements until they meet the Village's requirements.
      (3)   All monuments and pins delineating the subdivision shall have been set prior to said final inspection.
   (F)   If field changes are necessary or problems arise during construction, the developer shall immediately contact the Village Building Department.
      (1)   Notes on the field changes shall be kept in the Village's project file and forwarded to the developer's engineer for future reference.
   (A)   Within thirty (30) days after the completion and acceptance of all improvements; the engineer for the Subdivider/Developer, developer shall prepare, certify, seal and deliver record drawings (''as-built” plans) in the form of four (4) blue line prints and one (1) reproducible mylar for each of the improvements constructed.
      (1)   The sanitary sewer record drawings shall include the location and approximate depth of all service laterals; the size, location and flow line
elevations of all sewer mains; the top and flow line elevations of all manholes; and any other pertinent information.
      (2)   The water system record drawings shall include the location and approximate depth of all service lines; the size, location, depth and length of all water mains; locations of all valves and hydrants, and any other pertinent information.
      (3)   No Building Permits shall be issued for any lots within a subdivision until said record drawings have been provided to the Village.
   The Village Board shall not approve any Final plat of subdivision, and, therefore, said Final plat shall not be entitled to recording, until:
   (A)   All improvements required in the approved improvements plan have been completed by the Subdivider/Developer at his expense, inspected by the Village Engineer, and dedicated to the Village or other appropriate entity; or
   (B)   At the discretion of the Village Board, and in accordance with the provisions below, the Subdivider/Developer has provided the Village with legal assurance to guarantee the satisfactory completion and dedication of all required improvements.