   (A)   Following approval of any Preliminary Plat by the Village Board, but prior to submission of the Final Plat, the Subdivider/Developer shall submit plans to the Code Administrator for review by the Village Engineer, for those improvements to be installed within or in conjunction with the proposed subdivision.
      (1)   The Subdivider/Developer shall submit four (4) copies of said plans, specifications and any other supporting documentation.
      (2)   Said plans and specifications shall be signed and sealed by the Professional Engineer, registered in the State of Illinois, who was responsible for their preparation.
   (B)   Until the Village Engineer certifies in writing that to the best of his knowledge the proposed improvements conform to the standards imposed in this Chapter;
      (1)   The Code Administrator shall not issue any permit to allow construction of said improvements; and
      (2)   The Village Board shall not act upon the application for Final Plat approval.
   (A)   Plans and specifications for improvements shall consist of black or blue line prints not larger than thirty (30) inches by thirty-six (36) inches. Said plans, together with related specifications shall provide all of the information listed herein.
   (B)   Street and Drainage Plan. The Subdivider/ Developer shall submit as part of his Improvement Plans, street and drainage plans prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering standards and all relevant requirements in these regulations, and including, but not be limited to, the following items:
      (1)   A title page containing the name of the subdivision, a location map, with scale and north arrow, a title block for the name of the developer and engineer, and the engineer's seal, as well as:
         (a)   A list of standards and specifications or standard drawings, which as an option, may be shown on a separate sheet;
         (b)   A summary of quantities, which as an option, may be shown on another sheet.
      (2)   Street plan and profile sheets to a horizontal scale of one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet or one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet and a vertical scale of one (1) inch equals two (2) feet, or one (1) inch equals five (5) feet, or one (1) inch equals ten (10) feet, and including, but not be limited to, the following items:
         (a)   Title block with subdivision name, identification of information on sheet, vertical and horizontal scale, and sheet number.
         (b)   North arrow;
         (c)   One (1) or more benchmarks;
         (d)   Existing and proposed survey monuments;
         (e)   Profiles of existing ground and proposed centerline of pavement;
         (f)   Locations, sizes, and invert elevations of all existing and proposed storm sewer manholes, storm sewers, and catch basins showing connections to any existing or proposed storm sewer systems;
         (g)   Plans of existing utilities, proposed lots, street right-of-way, pavements, curb and/or gutter, catch basins, storm sewer (including size), drainage arrows, etc.;
         (h)   All percent grades and curve data;
         (i)   Elevations for existing ground and proposed pavement grade, storm sewer inverts, inverts and tops for catch basins, and retention basins;
         (j)   Locations and typical cross-section of sidewalks;
         (k)   Radii of all curves and lengths of tangents on all streets;
         (l)   Locations of street signs;
      (3)   Street cross-section sheets showing existing and proposed grades to a scale of one (1) inch equals ten (10) feet, or one (1) inch equals five (5) feet with sufficient sections to indicate the typical finished section of each street, as well as curbs/gutters and catch basins.
      (4)   Drainage calculations which validate storm sewer sizes and catch basin spacing, along with an illustration of the various drainage areas and/or watersheds, and which are to be reviewed by the Village Engineer.
   (C)   Erosion Control Plan.  The Subdivider/Developer shall submit as part of his Improvement Plans, an Erosion Control Plan as required in Section 34-3-10, and which shall include, but not be limited to, the following items:
      (1)   A title page containing the name of the subdivision, a location map, with scale and north arrow, the boundary and approximate acreage of the site, the existing zoning, a title block for the name of the developer and engineer and the engineer’s seal, as well as a list of standards and specifications or standard drawings, which as an option, may be shown on a separate sheet.
      (2)   A development plan sheet illustrating:
         (a)   Existing topography of the subdivision or development site, including adjacent land within approximately one hundred (100) feet of the site boundaries, drawn at no greater than two-foot contour intervals and clearly portraying the conformation and drainage pattern of the area.
         (b)   The location of existing buildings, structures, utilities, water bodies, flood plains, drainage facilities, vegetative cover, paved areas and other significant natural or man-made features on the site and any adjacent land within approximately one hundred (100) feet of the site boundaries.
         (c)   A general description of the predominant soil types on the site, their location, and their limitations for the proposed use.
         (d)   Proposed use of the site, including present development and planned utilization; areas of excavation, grading, and filling; proposed contours, finished grades, and street profiles; provisions for storm drainage, including the control of accelerated runoff, with a drainage area map and computations; kinds and locations or utilities; and areas and acreage's proposed to be paved, covered sodded or seeded, stabilized with vegetation, or left undisturbed.
      (3)   An erosion and sedimentation control plan sheet showing:
         (a)   An illustration of all erosion and sedimentation control measures necessary to meet the objectives of this Code throughout all phases of construction and permanently after completion of development of the site.
         (b)   Seeding mixtures and rates, types of soil, method of seed bed preparation, expected seeding dates, type and rate of lime and fertilizer application, and kind and quantity of mulching the temporary and permanent vegetative control measures.
         (c)   Provisions for maintenance of control facilities, including easements and estimates of the cost of maintenance.
         (d)   Identification of the person(s) or entity who will have legal responsibility for maintenance of erosion control structures and measures after development is completed. (The Village maintains only those storm sewers that convey water from a public way, and then only to a point of natural discharge. The Subdivider/Developer, a homeowner's association, or individual property owners retain maintenance responsibility for storm water drainage facilities located within subdivided lots and common land areas.)
      (4)   A proposed schedule for phasing of stripping, clearing, rough grading, construction, final grading and landscaping identifying:
         (a)   The expected date on which clearing will begin and an estimation of how long cleared areas will be exposed; and
         (b)   The sequence of clearing, installation of temporary sediment control measures, installation of storm drainage, paving streets and parking areas, and establishment of permanent vegetation cover.
   (D)   Water Mains and Sanitary Sewer Plan. The Subdivider/Developer shall also submit plans for the proposed extension of water and sewer mains throughout the subdivision, which have been prepared by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Illinois in accordance with the requirements of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) and all relevant requirements in these regulations. Said plans shall include, but are not limited to, the following items:
      (1)   A title page containing the name of the subdivision, a location map, with scale and north arrow, a title block for the name of the developer and engineer, and the engineer’s seal, as well as:
         (a)   A list of standards and specifications or standard drawings, which as an option may be shown on a separate sheet;
         (b)   A summary of quantities, which as an option, may be shown on another sheet.
      (2)   Water and sanitary sewer system plan and profile sheets to a horizontal scale of one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet or one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet and a vertical scale of one (1) inch equals two (2) feet, or one (1) inch equals five (5) feet, or one (1) inch equals ten (10) feet, and including, but not be limited to, the following items:
         (a)   Title block with subdivision name, identification of information on sheet, vertical and horizontal scale, and sheet number;
         (b)   North arrow;
         (c)   One (1) or more benchmarks;
         (d)   Plans of existing and proposed sewer and water mains including valves, hydrants, bends, manholes, and main sizes;
         (e)   Locations of existing and proposed natural gas, electric, telephone and other utilities;
         (f)   Profiles of existing grade, proposed grade, water mains, manholes, and sewer main;
         (g)   Elevations of manhole inverts and tops of frame;
         (h)   Locations and limits of trench backfill;
         (i)   Locations of force mains and lift stations, along with detail sheet for any such lift stations.
   (E)   Other Features. The Subdivider/Developer shall also submit plans or illustrations of the following features:
      (1)   Any flood-prone areas, detailed on a topographical map, at the same scale as required in the Preliminary Plat, illustrating that all lots and improvements will be above the regulatory flood evaluation;
      (2)   High water elevations of all lakes and streams adjoining or within the tract;
      (3)   Locations of all wooded areas;
      (4)   All proposed measures to control erosion and sedimentation; and
      (5)   Any other information as the Village Engineer may reasonably require to perform his duties under this Section.
   (F)   EPA Permit Applications. The appropriate permit forms, as required by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), shall be completed by the Subdivider/Developer's engineer and submitted in conjunction with the water main and sanitary sewer plans for the Village's review and subsequent signature.
   (G)   Improvements Checklist.  A completed "Improvement Plan Checklist", (Exhibit 34-4-E2) signed by both the Subdivider/Developer and his engineer who prepared the improvement plans.
   No improvements shall be constructed by the Subdivider/Developer until all required Improvement Plans and applicable permit forms have been received by the Village, reviewed, found acceptable as submitted, and approved in writing.
   (A)   Should plans not be found acceptable, written approval may be issued based upon a requirement that corrections set forth by the Village are made, incorporated into the plans by the developer's engineer, and three (3) sets of said plans are resubmitted to the Village for review and certification.
   (B)   Approval is also contingent upon the Village receiving copies of IEPA Water and Sewer Permits and IDOT Entrance and Right-of-Way Permits, all indicating approval by those agencies.