Streets, sanitary sewer systems, and water treatment and distribution represent major investments in a community. Obviously, these improvements should be constructed in such a manner so that they become enduring assets to the community. In order to assure that improvements constructed by a subdivision developer for dedication to the public are worthy of acceptance by the Village, this Article sets forth the appropriate design and construction standards necessary to achieve that goal. The design and improvement standards set forth herein shall be deemed the minimum requirements for public health, safety, and general welfare. Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed as preventing the Subdivider from constructing improvements that exceed these requirements.
   (A)   No land within the subdivision jurisdiction of the Village; other than land that is specifically exempted from the requirements of the Illinois Plats Act (765 ILCS 765 205/1 (b)) shall be subdivided or developed except in compliance with the regulations of this Article and the applicable provisions of State law. (See 65 ILCS 5/11-12-8; 765 ILCS 205/1, et seq.)
   (B)   No lot in any subdivision shall be conveyed until:
      (1)   The Final Plat of said subdivision has been approved by the Village Board and recorded with the County Recorder of Deeds; and
      (2)   The portion of said subdivision of which the lot is located has been improved in accordance with the requirements of this Article or until an irrevocable Letter of Credit or some other acceptable assurance has been posted to warrant the completion of such improvements.
   (C)   No building permit shall be issued to allow construction on any lot conveyed in violation of this Section, and any so issued shall be made invalid by said violation.
   Land which the Village Board determines to be unsuitable for development due to probable flooding, poor drainage, rough topography, adverse soil conditions, or other conditions that in the opinion of the administrator and/or Village Engineer will prove detrimental to the health, safety and/or general welfare of the future inhabitants of said tract and/or surrounding areas shall not be subdivided or developed unless the developer submits plans and methods that the Administrator or Village Engineer deems adequate to resolve or avoid the problems caused by the adverse land conditions.
   It is the intent of this Chapter and the Village to facilitate the design of new subdivisions and developments that are in compliance with the provisions and procedures outlined herein. As such, the Village has developed the following Standard Specification Plan Sheets in order to illustrate specific design requirements:
   ∙   Standard Specification Plan Sheet: T1 -    
       Typical Street Cross Sections, Design Considerations and Erosion Control Methods
   ∙   Standard Specification Plan Sheet: T2 -    
       Typical Street Construction Details
   ∙   Standard Specification Plan Sheet: T3 -    
       Typical Storm Sewer Construction Details
   ∙   Standard Specification Plan Sheet: T4 -    
      Typical Storm Sewer Construction Details
   ∙   Standard Specification Plan Sheet: T5 -    
       Typical Sanitary Sewer Construction Details
   ∙   Standard Specification Plan Sheet: T6 -    
       Typical Water System Construction Details
   Said Plan Sheets are included herein and made a part hereof by reference. The Village shall make said Plan Sheets available to all Subdividers/Developers, who are thereafter encouraged to photocopy said sheets and include them within the construction plans for the proposed development. By doing so, the Subdivider/Developer can more easily make the requirements of this Chapter known to the contractors responsible for the construction and installation of improvements within the development and be more assured that actual construction will be in compliance with said illustrations.
    The planning and development of lots shall be done in such a manner so as to assure compliance with the Hecker Zoning Code. In order to help achieve this result, every Subdivider shall comply with the requirements herein.
   (A)   All lots in any subdivision within the Village, shall conform to the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the Zoning District in which said subdivision is located.
   (B)   All lots in any subdivision outside the Village, shall conform to the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the Village’s Zoning District which is most appropriate; as determined by the Administrator of this Code.
   (C)   Land contained with lakefront lots that is under water when the lake is at its highest level, or land reserved for street improvements shall not be counted in determining compliance with minimum lot size requirements.
   (D)   If possible, the creation of through lots should be avoided in all new subdivisions.
   (E)   Every corner and through lot shall be large enough to permit compliance with the Zoning District's front setback requirement on every side of said lot that faces a street.
   (F)   All lot remnants shall be added to adjacent lots to avoid the creation of non- buildable or non-conforming parcels.
   (G)   All side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight street right-of-way lines or radial to curved street right-of-way lines, except where the Village Engineer has determined that a deviation from this requirement will provide a street and lot design more beneficial to the Village.
   (H)   All side lot lines of lots which front a cul-de-sac shall be at right angles to the centerline of said cul-de-sac until the point at which the centerline meets the center of the cul-de-sac turnaround. Side lot lines beyond that point shall be radial to the center of the cul-de-sac turnaround except where the Village Engineer has determined that a deviation from this requirement will provide a street and lot design more beneficial to the Village.
    All land to be subdivided, shall be divided in such a way that each lot abuts a public street meeting the requirements of Sections 34-3-16 and 34-3-17.
    In accordance with "An Act to Revise the Law in Relation to Plats", 765 ILCS 205/1 (a), et seq., as amended from time to time, reference monuments shall be erected by each Subdivider as follows:
   (A)   In the Field. Stone or reinforced concrete reference monuments, set in the ground in such a manner that they will not be moved by frost, shall be placed in the field, at opposite comers of the subdivision.
   (B)   At Lot Corners. Every lot corner shall be marked by an iron pin or pipe, at least one-half (1/2) inch in diameter and not less than twenty-four (24) inches long, driven into the ground deep enough that they do not protrude above the surface more than one and one-half (1 ½) inches.
(1)   No lot in any subdivision shall be sold unless the corners of said lot are marked as specified above at the time of sale.
   (C)   Front Lot Corners.  Front lot corners abutting platted street shall be marked in the curb by a saw cut "T” (minimum of one-fourth (1/4) inch deep and maximum of one-half (1/2) inch deep) in addition to the lot pins required above.