   (A)   This Chapter shall be applicable within the corporate limits of the Village and within all unincorporated territory located within one and one-half (1-1/2) miles of said limits, provided such territory is not located within the subdivision jurisdiction of another municipality. Jurisdictional boundary lines shall be determined in accordance with Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 65, Section 5/11-12-9.
   (B)   Whenever the requirements of this Chapter differ from those of any easement, statute, other lawfully adopted ordinance or regulation, the more stringent requirement shall prevail. Developers are therefore encouraged to review such regulations, including requirements of the Illinois Department of Transportation, and to ensure compliance. In accordance with State law, whenever this Chapter imposes higher standards than any County Subdivision Ordinance, said higher standards shall supersede any County regulations in unincorporated territory located within the subdivision jurisdiction of the Village.
   (A)   In the event that any provision of this Chapter requires interpretation in order to be clarified, the Code Administrator identified in Section 34-4-4 shall be vested with the authority to make said interpretation.
   (B)   Any appeal of said interpretation shall be made in writing to the Planning Commission, which shall review the appeal request and forward a recommendation to the Village Board of Trustees, whose decision shall be final.
   (C)   Any such interpretation, whether by the Code Administrator or the Village Board of Trustees, shall be reduced to writing and thereafter equitably applied to all.
   (D)   Every provision of this Chapter shall be construed liberally in favor of the Village, and every regulation set forth herein shall be considered the minimum requirement for the promotion of the public health, safety, and welfare.
   (E)   This Chapter and the aforementioned statutes shall be construed together in such a manner as to give full effect to both the regulations and statutes except in a case of irreconcilable conflict. In case of irreconcilable conflict, the laws passed by the Illinois General Assembly are controlling to the extent of such conflict.
   Certain design concepts, improvement standards, and related matters addressed herein are further clarified by illustrations and examples contained in the appendices. Accordingly, the following appendices are hereby incorporated into these regulations by reference:
   Standard Specification Plat Sheet: T1 – Located at Village Hall
      Typical Street Cross Sections, Design Considerations and Erosion Control Methods
   Standard Specification Plan Sheet: T2 – Located at Village Hall
      Typical Street Construction Details
   Standard Specification Plan Sheet: T3 – Located at Village Hall
      Typical Storm Sewer Construction Details
   Standard Specification Plan Sheet: T4 – Located at Village hall
      Typical Storm Sewer Construction Details
   Standard Specification Plan Sheet: T5 – Located at Village Hall
      Typical Sanitary Sewer Construction Details
   Standard Specification Plan Sheet: T6 – Located at Village Hall
      Typical Water System Construction Details
   Exhibit E1
      Preliminary Plat Checklist
   Exhibit E2
      Improvement Plan Checklist
   Exhibit E3
      Final Plat Checklist.
   Exhibit E4
      Certificate of Agency Approval.
   Exhibit E5
      Application for Variation.
   Exhibit E6
      Application for Amendment.
   Exhibit E7
      Engineer’s Hydraulic/Hydrologic Drainage Summary and Certification.
   The requirements indicated in the appendices shall be as effective and binding as the narrative portions of this Chapter.