It shall be unlawful for a person to violate any of the following provisions of this Section:
   (A)   Engaging in any loud protest of singing, chanting, whistling or yelling with, or without, noise amplification including but not limited to bullhorns, auto horns and microphones within three hundred (300) feet of any entrance of a facility being used for a funeral or memorial service at any time during the period starting thirty (30) minutes before any funeral or memorial service is scheduled to begin and ending thirty (30) minutes after the funeral or memorial service terminates; or
   (B)   Displaying any visual images that convey fighting words, actual or veiled threats against any other person within three hundred (300) feet of any entrance of a facility being used for a funeral or memorial service at any time during the period starting thirty (30) minutes before any funeral or memorial service is scheduled to begin and ending thirty (30) minutes after the funeral or memorial service terminates; or
   (C)   Blocking access to any facility being used for a funeral or memorial service at any time during the period starting thirty (30) minutes before any funeral or memorial service is scheduled to begin and ending thirty (30) minutes after the funeral or memorial service terminates; or
   (D)   Ending in a directed protest march or picket at any public location within three hundred (300) feet of any entrance of a facility being used for a funeral or memorial service at any time during the period starting thirty (30) minutes before any funeral or memorial service is scheduled to begin and ending thirty (30) minutes after the funeral or memorial service terminates. (See 720 ILCS 5/26-6)