For purposes of the calculation of the service provider fee, “gross revenues” shall mean consideration of any kind or nature, including, without limitation, cash, credits, property, and in-kind contributions received by Mediacom Southeast LLC for the operation of its cable system to provide cable or video service within the Village, including the following:
   (A)   recurring charges for cable service or video service;
   (B)   event-based for cable service or video service, including, but not limited to, pay- per-view and video-on-demand charges;
   (C)   rental of set-top boxes and other cable service or video service equipment;
   (D)   service charges related to the provision of cable service or video service, including, but not limited to, activation, installation, and repair charges;
   (E)   administrative charges related to the provision of cable service or video service, including but not limited to service order and service termination charges; and
   (F)   late payment fees or charges, insufficient funds check charges, and other charges assessed to recover the costs of collecting delinquent payments.