The Overlay Zoning Standards applicable to Zone 3 are:
(a) Base zoning in Zone 3 is B-2.
(1) Purpose. The purpose of this Zone 3 overlay is to insure the development of a neighborhood business district.
(2) Uses.
C. Accessory Uses. Any accessory use or structure customarily incident or accessory to a principal or conditionally permitted use in this Zone 3.
D. Prohibited Uses. Residential uses are prohibited in Zone 3.
(3) Lot Size. There is no minimum lot size in Zone 3.
(5) Lot Frontage and Yards. There is no minimum lot frontage in Zone 3. Lots in Zone 3 shall, at a minimum, have a front yard of fifty (50) feet and conform to the non-residential requirements of Section 1171.09 for "Yards."
(Ord. 80-2023. Passed 10-16-23.)