(A) Any cable operator, its assignee or transferee shall be subject to, and expected to comply with:
(2) All ordinances in effect within the town including the ordinance codified in this chapter, to the extent that the cable operator has not received exemption or relief;
(2) All federal and state laws, and all rules and regulations issued by all applicable regulatory agencies; and
(3) All lawful exercise of the town’s police power.
(B) Nothing contained in this section shall prevent a cable operator from exercising any, and all, of its administrative and legal rights as to the constitutionality, applicability and enforceability of this chapter or any later amendments.
(Prior Code, § 13.20.060) (Ord. 96-13.20, passed - -1996)
If any provision or section of this chapter is inconsistent with any provision or section of a federal or state rule, regulation or law, then the federal or state rule, regulation or law shall control.
(Prior Code, § 13.20.070) (Ord. 96-13.20, passed - -1996)