(A)   Single lot. A lot shall not be reduced in size so that noncompliance with respect to any frontage, building coverage, area, built-upon area, width, setback, parking, buffer yard or signage requirement of the UDO is created, nor shall any existing nonconformity or violation be increased. A single lot maybe reduced in size if reviewed and approved through the Conditional Zoning District process, i.e., cluster development.
   (B)   Buildable lot. Where two or more contiguous lots in one ownership collectively form a buildable lot, that lot shall not be reduced in size so that noncompliance with respect to any frontage, building coverage, area, built-upon area, width, setback, parking, buffer yard or signage requirement of the UDO is created, nor shall any existing nonconformity or violation be increased. An Instrument of Combination (or similar document or procedure) shall be prepared and recorded where two or more contiguous lots in one ownership collectively form a buildable lot.
   (C)   Exemption. These prohibitions shall not apply to state, county or municipal acquisition of land.
(Ord. passed 7-25-2011)