(A) For the purpose of the weed regulations, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
DESTRUCTION ORDER. The notice served by the City Council or designated city official, in cases of appeal, on the property owner of the ordinance violation.
PROPERTY OWNER. The person occupying the property, the holder of legal title or a person having control over the property of another, such as a right-of-way, easement, license or lease.
WEEDS, GRASSES and RANK VEGETATION. Includes but is not limited to the following:
(1) Noxious weeds and rank vegetation shall include but not be limited to: alum (allium), Buckthorn (rhamus), Bur Cucumber (sicyos), Canada Thistle (cirsium arvense), Corncockle (agrostemma githago), Cressleaf Groundsel (senecio glabellus), Curly Dock (rumex crispus), Dodder (cuscuta), Field Bindweed (convolvulus arvensis), French Weed (Thlaspi arvense), Hairy Whitetop (cardavia pubescens), Hedge Bindweed (calystegia sepium), Hoary Cress (cardaria draba), Horsenettle (solanum carolinese), Johnsongrass (sorghum halepense), Leafy Spurge (euphorbia esula), Mile-A-Minute Weed (polygonum perfoliatum), Musk Thistle (carduus nutaans), Oxeye Daisy (chrysanthemum leucanthemum), Perennial Sowthistle (sonchus arvensis), Poison Hemlock (conium maculatum), Purple Loosestrife (lythrun salicavia), Quackgrass (agropyron), Russian Knapweed (acroptilon repens), Russian Thistle (salsola tragus), Serrated Tussock (nassella trichotoma), Shatter Cane (sorghum bicolor), Sorghum (sorghum bicolor), Wild Carrot (daucuscarota), Wild Garlic (allium vineale), Wild Mustard (brassica kaber), Wild Onion (allium canadense), Wild Parsnip (pastinaca sativa);
(2) Grapevines when growing in groups of 100 or more and not pruned, sprayed, cultivated, or otherwise maintained for two consecutive years;
(3) Bushes of the species of tall, common or European barberry, further known as berberis vulgaris or its horticultural varieties;
(4) Any weeds, grass or plants, other than trees, bushes, flowers or other ornamental plants, growing to a height exceeding 12 inches;
(5) Rank vegetation includes the uncontrolled, uncultivated growth of annuals and perennial plants; and
(6) The term WEEDS does not include shrubs, trees, cultivated plants or crops.
(B) In no event shall cultivated plants or crops include plants that have been defined by state statute or administrative rule as being noxious or detrimental plants.
(Ord. 2005-4, passed 9-26-2005)