§ 18-703. Permits.
   1.   There shall be two classes of sewer permits:
      A.   For residential and commercial service; and,
      B.   For service to establishments producing industrial wastes.
In either case, the property owner or his agent shall make application to the Township Manager, on a special form supplied for that specific purpose. A permit and inspection fee permit shall be paid to the Township at the time the application is filed. The permit application may be required to be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the approving authority.
   2.   A permit must be obtained prior to the installation of a private sewage disposal system, or prior to making or changing a residential or commercial connection to the sewerage system, or prior to making an industrial connection, or continuing an industrial discharge into an existing connection to the sewerage system. Industrial waste permit applications shall contain all pertinent data including, but not limited to, estimated quantity of flow, character of waste, maximum rate of discharge and proposed pretreatment facilities. Industrial pretreatment requirements are covered by Part 7B.
   3.   All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the building sewer shall be borne by the owner.
(Ord. 339, 7/3/1996, § 4)