§ 18-631. Reserved Capacity Agreements.
   1.   Reserved capacity agreement between the Township and an industrial user may be established whereby the user shall pay the full ICR payments allocable to the capacity reserved, and, in the event that such an industrial user exceeds it reserved capacity, its full user shall be subject to this ICRS, unless otherwise excluded.
   2.   If the treatment works are expanded in the future with P.L. 92-500 grant assistance, an industrial user who has executed a reserved capacity agreement and has made ICR payments based upon reserved capacity, will not incur additional ICR charges associated with the cost of expansion until the industrial user's actual use of the treatment works exceeds its reserved capacity.
   3.   Nevertheless, such industrial users shall be required to pay any additional ICR charges associated with the cost of upgrading a treatment works.
   4.   An industrial user may terminate or modify, with the consent of the Township, any agreement for reserved capacity; thereafter, its ICR payments shall cease or be modified to the extent of the reserved capacity so terminated or modified. (12347 § 1 3/21/79).
(Ord. 339, 7/3/1996, § 4)